Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

nodo di struma

English translation:

struma node

Added to glossary by Catherine Bolton
Mar 14, 2002 18:21
22 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Italian term

nodi di struma

Italian to English Medical
Same stuff:
Un’ecografia tiroidea rilevava due formazioni nodulari a carico del lobo destro da riferire a nodi di struma.
Struma nodes?? I found struma and I found nodes, but not together!
Proposed translations (English)
5 Yes, struma nodes

Proposed translations

29 mins

Yes, struma nodes

"Struma nodes" are benign masses that need to be distinguished from malignant ones.

Here's part of a medical article where "struma nodes" appears:

Group c) included those thyroid nodes which cytology classified as follicular neoplasms and for which histology was required to reach a diagnosis of malignancy or benignity; for this reason these cases were not used in the evaluation of diagnostic reliability. Of these 15 (20.5%) proved malignant and 58 (79.5%) benign (44 follicular adenomas and 14 micro-macrofollicular struma nodes).

The link to the full abstract of this article is below.

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