Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

incisioni infrasolcari

English translation:

infrasulcar incisions

Added to glossary by Heathcliff
Feb 13, 2001 03:16
24 yrs ago
Italian term

incisioni infrasolcari

Italian to English Medical
dental surgery
Proposed translations (English)
0 infrasulcar incisions
0 infrasulcal incisions

Proposed translations

2 hrs

infrasulcar incisions

That is, incisions made under or below the groove (sulcus) or furrow between the dental arch and the lips, tongue, or gums.

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much - all I needed to know"
2 hrs

infrasulcal incisions

Just a guess really, not having been able to find "infrasolcare" or "solcare". However, it looks like it's derived from "solco" = "sulcus", which according to the OED is "A groove or furrow in a body, organ, or tissue", Quite which groove the incisions are being made below is anyone's guess, unless it's clear from the context.
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