Dec 10, 2009 10:05
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Japanese term

shuffle placement

Japanese to English Tech/Engineering Engineering (general)
This is from the text that I am translating from English into Finnish.

The text concerns Misubishi air conditioners and is most probably translated from Japanese into English.

Context: "Optional shuffle placement is required for 2- and 3-way patterns"

You can find wider context here: Inverter -PLP-6BA Dekorativ...

The (ceiling) unit has four air outlets and the directions of airflow from these outlets are individually adjustable.

When 2-way or 3-way pattern (that is the number of outlets used) is used this "shuffle placement" is "required".

I guess that "shuffle" refers to periodic changes of airflow outlets. And I also guess that "required" is mistranslation, and "possible" would be the correct word (otherwise I can't find any logic in the expression).

I hope somebody can find the corresponding Japanese text and tell me what is said in the original. I don't know Japanese at all.
Proposed translations (English)
5 +3 シャッタープレート (lit. shutting plate)


Joyce A Dec 10, 2009:
This is a puzzle, Timo. Can you provide a little more context immediately before or after what you've provided?
Joyce A Dec 10, 2009:
It can be confusing when a language has been translated "literally" and gets passed for translation to yet another language! I guess that we just have to try and give him examples that he can use to judge the correct answer.
Yumico Tanaka (X) Dec 10, 2009:
I will ask environmental group. I used to translate for a NPO environmental group. The translators may know something about this as their fields vary quite hugely.
Wait for the response...
Yumico Tanaka (X) Dec 10, 2009:
back-translation Yes, it's confusing, but it's okay... as long as the asker can find a solution. Hope Timo can find it.
cinefil Dec 10, 2009:
And your question is 'from Japanese to English', not 'from English to Japanese'?
Timo Lehtilä (asker) Dec 10, 2009:
It's all about trust Nowadays, when texts are often first translated by non-English-native translators into English and then from English into other language, it often happens that the English text is unclear to some extend. One way to find out what is said in the original is to ask the native speakers of the original language. Quite often the same text is findable in the Net in original language. I can judge the right answer by logic of linguistic and practical explanations, and by judgements of the peers. And I have no reason not to just the Japanese.
cinefil Dec 10, 2009:
I don't know Japanese at all. How could you judge the right answer?

Proposed translations

3 hrs

シャッタープレート (lit. shutting plate)

The link below takes you to the manual of the similar 4-way type AC from Mitsubishi. I don't believe they have the same model available in Japan because it's an European spec'd model, and so any relavant documents are not available on their Japanese site. But you can tell from the picture they are in the same "family".
(this pdf is big and may take some time to stream in, fyi).

Go to Page 12, and you will find the same picture of 2, 3, and 4-way airflow, the underneath of which is a series of notes, and the first one "matches" (well, sort of, as you know) the text in question.

3.2 方向の設定には、別売吹出し口シャッタープレートが必要です。

This is something like: "for 3- and 2-way settings, optional *air outlet shutting plate* is necessary. Sure, you need to block airflow to make them happen!

I have nooooooooo idea where "shuffle placement" came from.

By the way, you can google "air condirioner" "shutting plate" and find some English manuals available Mitsubishi. Good luck!

Peer comment(s):

agree Mika Jarmusz : That makes sense. I agree that シャッタープレート literally is "shutter plate." In the second pdf link, note the remark on page 8/16 that goes "Optional air outlet shutter plate (PAC-SG06SP-E) is necessary for two- or three-way airflow settings."
6 hrs
agree Joyce A : Fantastic, Rie! I tried and tried with lots of keywords but couldn't make logical sense of it. It's good to wake up to see the solution. :-)
11 hrs
agree Yumico Tanaka (X) : also air outlet shutter plate: 品番 PLA-RP.BA の Installation Manual を見ますと、
12 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Heroic achievement Rie! Four points are all I have to give you, but whenever we may meet, I promise to treat you the night's drinks in a shutterlessly air-conditioned tavern."

Reference comments

57 mins


Note added at 1時間 (2009-12-10 11:47:14 GMT)



Note added at 3時間 (2009-12-10 13:56:23 GMT)

Timo, san,
My answer is nearly 'yes'
Waiting the comments from other members.
Note from asker:
Hi Ciefil. You have posted long Japanese strings apparently explaning the meaning of 'shuffle' and 'placement'. As I said, I don't know Japanese at all. Do these Japanese strings explain the meanings of 'shuffle' and 'placement' as I have guessed or some otherwise?
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