Feb 17, 2011 09:46
14 yrs ago
Polish term


Polish to English Other History jewelery
BIŻUTERIA PATRIOTYCZNA: koperta do miniaturki, XIX w.


groszek Feb 27, 2011:
You're right, Olga post it as your answer :)
Olga Slattery Feb 19, 2011:
:) IMO Locket :) [ i.e. Miniature potrait/picture locket] Mind you, the phrase seems to suggest that the portrait/picture is not included. I'd say the 'patriotic' element might originate from a symbol engraved, inlaid, etc. on/inside the locket itself.
Jerry Dean (asker) Feb 17, 2011:
I have no idea if it cold be a pocket watch or not. This is the complete context and no pictures
Kamil Budziarz Feb 17, 2011:
since it's about a piece of jewellery, "a pocket watch" would make much more sense than "a tiny painting."
geopiet Feb 17, 2011:
Dean pocket watch?
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