Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:


English translation:

depth/penetration limit

Added to glossary by judith ryan
Apr 8, 2010 00:41
14 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Portuguese term


Portuguese to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering
Has to do with standard penetration tests:
A limitação por golpes ( a nega) é determinada quando se obter penetração menor que 5 cm em 10 golpes consecutivos Thanks!
Proposed translations (English)
3 +1 depth/penetration limit


David Drysdale (X) Apr 8, 2010:
Precisa de mais informacao . . a area, etc.

Proposed translations

6 hrs

depth/penetration limit

Port. dic. Aurélio
[Dev. de negar.]
S. f.
3. Constr. O limite máximo, geralmente expresso em centímetros, preestabelecido para a penetração no solo de uma estaca de fundação, após um número determinado de golpes do bate-estacas.

Peer comment(s):

agree Marlene Curtis
3 hrs
Marlene, grato. Antonio
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "having found definitions on Google that did not coincide I ended up leaving negas in italics and putting in references to the answers I found, your answer helped me find them"
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