Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:

Licenciatura Bíetápica

English translation:

diploma to degree (D2D)

Added to glossary by Douglas Bissell
Apr 18, 2013 17:11
11 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Portuguese term

Licenciatura Bíetápica

Portuguese to English Social Sciences Education / Pedagogy
no dia 19 de Novembro de 2007 o 2o Ciclo da Licenciatura Bíetápica, em ANÁLISES CLINÍCAS E SAÚDE PÚBLICA


Proposed translations

4 hrs

diploma to degree (D2D)

diploma to degree (D2D)

Note added at 4 hrs (2013-04-18 21:50:36 GMT)

In Pt before Bolonha 3 years 3 years for bacharelato, then 2 more for licenciatura, ergo Licenciatura Bíetápica.
In the UK, diploma can refer to several different types of academic qualification. The Diploma of Higher Education is a higher education award below the standard of a bachelor's degree. The term can also refer to a Postgraduate Diploma or to the 14–19 Diploma that was introduced in England in September 2008. Postgraduate Diploma award is higher than the Bachelor's degree.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Cheers"
20 mins

Two-stage degree program

Mestre em Engenharia Civil - ISEL - Translate this page
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Mar 30, 2010 – O curso de Licenciatura bietápica em Engenharia Civil está ... The two stage degree program in Civil Engineering is accredited by the Ordem ..
Note from asker:
That is what I thought it would be, double checking never hurts though
Peer comment(s):

agree Gad Kohenov : + In French too étape is a stage.
1 day 14 hrs
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30 mins

Equiv. to a 2-year Master's degree (U.S.)

I only know the equivalent for the U.S.
I suppose if your target readers are in the UK / Europe, I would check a bit more :)

No ensino politécnico, na sequência da conclusão de um curso superior com quatro ou cinco anos de duração ou na sequência da conclusão da segunda etapa de um curso superior bietápico (um ou dois anos de estudos após a conclusão de um bacharelato)
Due to the developments introduced by the Bologna Process in the mid-2000s, in Portugal the licenciate's degree (Licenciatura) may refer to both old and new Licenciaturas, which were awarded before and after the Bologna's reforms, respectively. The length of the old Licenciatura programs would range from four to six years and are now equivalent to the new Master's degrees. In the past, a Master's degree would add 2 more years to the 4 to 6 years of the old undergraduate Licenciatura programs, thus taking 6 to 8 years of post-secondary education to obtain a Master's degree. The new Licenciatura degrees that are now being awarded in Portugal and in almost all Europe with varying local designations, are usually three-year programs.

Since 2006, in the Portuguese higher education system, Licenciatura is the first degree awarded by institutions of higher education. It is also the first degree used in the European Higher Education Area, and is also designated a Bachelor's degree in other European countries. The Master's degree entails a two-year program of study, in which students can normally enroll after completing a licentiate's degree, and provides higher qualification for employment (e.g., for Engineering, Architecture, Law, and Medicine a Master's is required, entailing a total of 5 to 6 years of post-secondary studies) or to prepare a student for his or her PhD research.

To summarize, a licenciate's degree started before 2006 and with at least 5-year of studies, is now (the same as) [#reciprocal with?] the well known Masters degree.

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