Aug 16, 2012 16:39
12 yrs ago
Portuguese term

fazer + entrada ou saida

Portuguese to English Tech/Engineering Electronics / Elect Eng junction box
I am not sure what this verb should be in this context in English...

"As entradas e saídas dos condutores devem ser FEITAS através de eletrodutos pesados NBR 5597, NBR 5598 ou prensa-cabos a prova de explosão".

The verb "done" does not seem appropriate here with conductor inlets and outets...
Should be done via?


ghostwriter-BR Aug 16, 2012:
Be carefull... with the use of electrical. Electric conduits/cables/etc are used in an electrical system
elizabeth_med (asker) Aug 16, 2012:
Great, thanks!
Martin Riordan Aug 16, 2012:
That looks good!
Marlene Curtis Aug 16, 2012:
Yes, I like the rephrasing...
elizabeth_med (asker) Aug 16, 2012:
other possibility? Thank you for your answers. Taking into account what you both said, would "Heavy-duty electrical conduits NBR 5597, NBR 5598 or explosion-proof cable glands should be used for conductor inlets and outlets" be appropriate?

Proposed translations

53 mins

cable entries and exits should be executed using heavy-duty conduit...

It is saying that heavy-duty conduit should be used for cable entreis and exits.
Peer comment(s):

agree T o b i a s
6 hrs
Obrigado, Tobias!
disagree Marlene Curtis : with entries and exits in the context and the use of "executed" in the context.
7 hrs
If we all thought alike, there would only be one answer each time! :-) Execute: 1. To put into effect; carry out. And is "entries and exits" very different to "entradas e saídas"?
agree Alberto Cury
202 days
Thanks, Alberto!
Something went wrong...
4 mins

(the) conduit inlets and outlets

Não traduzo "fazer".

must be through the heavy-duty...

Note added at 1 hr (2012-08-16 17:39:33 GMT)

Chapter 10. Conduit Outlet Structures - Town of Castle Rock Colorado Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
contours, spot elevations, and outlet erosion protection shall be included in the construction drawings at all conduit inlets and outlets. 10.1.2 Safety Rails.
You visited this page on 8/16/12.
Peer comment(s):

neutral T o b i a s : Reference material pertains to "culvert and storm sewers"; would it apply in this context?
7 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 hr

conductor inputs/outputs should be by means/consist of heavy duty......

Um só fio já é um condutor. O cabo tem mais de um fio condutor.
Something went wrong...
2 hrs

carried out (very common real english usage)

cable entries and exits should be carried out using heavy-duty/armoured conduits
Example sentence:

The Building Regulations do not restrict who may "carry out" electrical installation work.

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Reference comments

7 hrs


Rendon executed the conduit installation in an ordinary and efficient manner as might be reasonably expected of an experienced electrical contractor.
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