Aug 4, 2004 04:45
20 yrs ago
Portuguese term

See sentence

Portuguese to English Bus/Financial Finance (general)
"Dá-se aqui por integralmente o referido no ponto 1.3. do presente Relatório."

Hi! Is it just my wooly head, or does this sentence not make much sense? Basically, it's from a report on corporate governance, and the points made in point 1.3 also refer to this section. Any ideas on how to phrase it in English, please?

Proposed translations

51 mins

The contents of part 1.3. of this Section are held to be incoporated herein

Dá-se aqui por integralmente o referido no ponto 1.3. do presente Relatório = The contents of part 1.3. of this Section are held to be incoporated herein

Portuguese is not my language but it sounds like this may be it.
Peer comment(s):

agree airmailrpl : -
6 hrs
Obrigado, Airmail.
agree Henrique Magalhaes
2 days 4 hrs
Obrigado, Henrique.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hi again, and thanks to all. I know this is what the full sentence would say - if it were written correctly! I just wanted confirmation that there wasn't another meaning that I was missing. Thanks, Henry"
41 mins

Herein a comprehensive description of that referred to in section 1.3 of the current report.

possible..... HTH

needs a bit of polishing up .... :)

Note added at 42 mins (2004-08-04 05:27:52 GMT)

not too keen on my \'herein\' but for want of more early-morning inspiration.....
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59 mins

falta qualquer coisa

O "Dá-se aqui por..." implica uma acção a seguir a "integralmente", que poderá ser, entre outras, copiado, anexado, transcrito, etc, etc.

Sugiro que consulte o cliente e tire a dúvida.
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2 hrs

verb missing

integralmente WHAT, right?
Something went wrong...
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