Feb 22, 2005 22:22
19 yrs ago
9 viewers *
Portuguese term

termo de responsibilidade

Portuguese to English Other Finance (general) Braxilian taxes
Referring to import tax (Brazil): request for special import regime

Documentos para instrução do pedido de Drawback
• ***Termo de Responsabilidade;
• Laudo Técnico (descrição do processo industrial e da participação da mercadoria
importada neste processo);
• etc
• Declaração da Empresa Licitante (certificação da empresa vencedora e ****consideração do regime para formação do preço), e

This is very unlikley to be a LEGAL DICLAIMER in this context. I think it's a document in which the applicant states his 'liability' for import on a specific item, I wonder has anybody any ideas on this?


Non-ProZ.com Feb 24, 2005:
What is the logic in submitting a disclaimer such as the one copied below, which simply does NOT function in the context of submiiting documentation to obtain an import tax exemption?


Declara��o de Exonera��o de Responsabilidades

A ANDIMA - Associa��o Nacional das Institui�es do Mercado Financeiro disponibiliza em seu site informa�es, not�cias, dados e opini�es ("informa�es") de interesse do mercado financeiro, geradas por sua equipe t�cnica ou por outras entidades pertencentes ou n�o ao Sistema Financeiro Nacional.

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However, an inadvertent spelling error produced this find, where 'termo de responsibilidade' in an IMPORTATION context, is translated as 'guarantee':


Passport (original), Visa stamped
Residence Visa
Brazil I.D. card
Inventory in Portuguese (two originals)
Inventory must be itemized in detail; brand names, make, model and serial numbers of all electrical items must be noted
Also need to show the estimated value of the item in U.S. dollars
Must be legalized by the Brazilian Consulate for temporary visa holders
Pets must be listed on the inventory
Two separate inventories first showing used items and the second "new" items (items less that six (6) months old)
Certificate of Residence issued by the Brazilian Consulate at origin for returning citizens
In absence of Certificate of Residence issued by the Brazilian Consulate, copies of phone/electric/utility bills for the last twelve months may be substituted. This is not encouraged.
Proof of revenue abroad
Proof of residence abroad for over one year
Airline ticket
Work Contract and Customs Bond are required for Customers holding a temporary visa
Goods must be re-exported upon expiration of the contract for holders of a temporary visa
"Termo de Responsibilidade" (guarantee)
Power of Attorney forms provided by the Destination Agent
Letter authorizing Destination Agent to clear shipment

Household goods and personal effects may be imported duty and tax free provided they have been OWNED and USED for at least six (6) months and are not for re-sale
ONLY two shipments permitted, one air and one sea
Shipments should arrive in Brazil no earlier than three months before or no later than six months after customer's arrival
Shipments 100% inspected
Clearance cannot begin until all documents are received
Shipment must embark from the country of customer's residence
Immigrants must register with the Brazilian Federal Police within 30 days of arrival


New articles sent as unaccompanied baggage will be subject to payment of duties. The duties will be 50% of the value of the goods. Customer will have to present the invoice.
Items not corresponding to inventory are subject to very high duties/fines
Duplicate items (such as electrical appliances) assessed very high duty
Wedding trousseaux, inheritance items, new furniture, tins of food and alcohol are all subject to high customs duties
Presents, souvenirs, computers and carpets are all duty-free if part of the household goods shipment
Computers need special entry permit from SEI (list model, serial number and accessories)
Alcohol and tobacco products
Appliances and bicycles
Photo, audio and video equipment

Furthermore, by following up on this 'guarantee' lead, I get:



Bearers of the goods listed above will be required:

1. To present to the Customs officer at the airport the form DECLARA��O DE BAGAGEM ACOMPANHADA - DBA, to be obtained on board of the airline flying to Brazil or through the Customs authority upon arrival in the country;

2. Bill of Lading or Invoices (fatura pro-forma) depending on the case;

3. In some cases, travelers will be required to sign a form, named TERMO DE RESPONSABILIDADE - TR (Term of Responsibility) before a Customs officer;

4. Customs officers will also determine when it will be necessary for signers of the TR to present a financial guarantee;

5. Before their departure, travelers whose goods entered Brazil under the Temporary Admission Regime must present to the Customs Officer at the port/airport of departure a copy of forms TR and DBA and prove adequately that the goods are being taken out of the country.

BUT becuase a literal translation is of no use to the reader, becuase it's meaningless in English, I investigate further, to UNDERSTAND exactly what is meant by 'Termo de Responsibilidade' in MY context (imports):

Customs requires a local importer or consignee (such as local freight forwarder) for the temporary admission. Prior to shipment, the exporter must provide the importer with a copy of the pro-forma invoice that itemizes the products and prices. When the shipment arrives in Brazil for customs clearance, the local importer completes a "commitment document" form (Termo de Responsabilidade), issued by the Brazilian Customs (Annex I), of Customs Regulation 164 in which the importer is subject to penalties in case of non-adherence to the program. Brazilian Customs will require a guarantee on the display items of exhibitors in trade shows that are not certified by the Brazilian Ministry of Trade and Industry. The guarantee may be a cash deposit, escrow of federal bond, an insurance policy or a guarantor.

So now I know what it means, I decide how to deal with its translation. I investigate futher, and get this explanation by the BR Embassy:

Customs clearance is done at the port of entrance, requiring a declaration ("Termo de Responsabilidade") signed by the traveller (complete identification must be provided: name in full, passport number, address, profession, travel itinerary in Brazil), by which he/she will take responsibility for removing the goods from Brazil, once he/she leaves the country.

So now I know it's a statement or declaration in which the importer undertakes at some point to remove the imported goods from the country, which excatly fits my context, becuase the importer in my case is applying to obtain a tax emeption precisely on this basis. In my translation I will use the orih�ginal term and then add a footnote or gloss to explain it.

I hope I have demonstrated that dictionaries cannot beat context for extracting meaning and expressing meaning....
António Ribeiro Feb 24, 2005:
Non-ProZ.com Feb 24, 2005:
I quote myself: "This is very unlikley to be a LEGAL DICLAIMER in this context. I think it's a document in which the applicant states his 'liability' for import on a specific item, I wonder has anybody any ideas on this?"

In this context I can't see how it CAN be any kind of legal disclaimer, if so I answered the Q myself:-)

Proposed translations

4 mins

Liability Clauses

Contractor's legal guide - limitation of liability clauses ...
... Contractor's legal guide - limitation of liability clauses Tuesday, 10 June 2003
At common law, parties are free to structure their contracts to include ...
www.brainbox.com.au/brainbox/home.nsf/ 0/F1D85A61E40715AA49256D40001DDFEC?opendocument - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

GigaLaw.com: "Limitation of Liability" Clauses in High-Tech ...
Doug Isenberg's GigaLaw.com ® : "Legal Information for Internet Professionals".
"Limitation of Liability" Clauses in High-Tech Contracts. By Mark Grossman. ...
www.gigalaw.com/articles/2001/grossman-2001-06.html - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

Corrs Chambers Westgarth | Indemnities, insurance clauses and ...
... understand indemnity and limit of liability clauses; identify the elements of those
clauses that you should consider when drafting or negotiating; and; ...
Something went wrong...
Comment: "For my context, this is not the translation, I'm sorry:-("
5 mins

Liability Agreement (Term of Responsibility)

Qualquer um dos dois está correcto.

Note added at 2005-02-22 23:23:57 (GMT)

Já foi tema de uma pergunta no ProZ.
Peer comment(s):

agree Henrique Magalhaes
19 hrs
Something went wrong...
Comment: "This answer does not work in an import tax exemption context. This TR refers to a statement or declaration in which the importer undertakes at some point to remove, from the country at some point in the future, the goods for which he is claiming an exemption from tax. "
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