Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by rhandler
Apr 26, 2005 19:24
19 yrs ago
28 viewers *
Portuguese term


Portuguese to English Law/Patents Law (general)
Police document called a 'Participacao' from Portugal. The first section is called the 'Diligencia' and contains the date, time and place as well as the 'autuante' who is normally the policeman who files the report. No more translations to come from this document!

Proposed translations

22 mins


Diligência = measures / steps that are taken for a certain purpose. Diligência judicial = Judicial proceeding
Diligência policial = Police proceeding (may involve investigations, collection of evidences, etc. or just the arrest of people)
Peer comment(s):

agree Ivana de Sousa Santos
4 hrs
Obrigado, Ivana. "Proceeding" é o termo genérico, e cobre todo tipo de diligência: search, arrest, capture, etc.
agree Claudia Costa
20 hrs
Obrigado, Claudia
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement."
1 min



Note added at 3 mins (2005-04-26 19:28:08 GMT)

Maria Chaves de Mello - Dicionário Jurídico
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11 mins

police intervention

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42 mins

search; action

"search" is a good answer; however, another possible answer in this legal text according to another legal dictionary, in this case, Noronha's Legal Dictionary, is "action". The action that was taken was not necessary a search, and we don't know given the context.

Mike :)
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5 hrs


or even, Police investigation

Note added at 5 hrs 1 min (2005-04-27 00:25:46 GMT)

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1 day 6 hrs


(And Participação can be translated as Incident Report).

Diligência means literally "endeavour", but in this case the reference is to the act of police "intervention", something like "incident requiring police attention". I think "incident" will do just fine.
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