Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Khrysty (X)
Aug 23, 2005 17:07
19 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Portuguese term

rasurado "e"

Portuguese to English Law/Patents Law (general)
In a birth certificate

Data do assento: 23 de Maio de 2001 Rasurado "e"

Thank you.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +4 erased/scraped "e"
5 -1 conjugated with "e"

Discussion Aug 23, 2005:
Obrigada pela vossa ajuda. Nao tem mais contexto. Esta e uma das ultimas frases no certificado de nascimento. Eu ja li e reli todo o certificado varias vezes e nao falta nenhum e. Nao faco ideia a que se refere.
Clauwolf Aug 23, 2005:
Pode ser mesmo um "e" perdido rasurado no texto, � dif�cil de notar sendo apenas uma letra. Aug 23, 2005:
Thanks Clauwolf, mas acho que deve ser um erro do original, porque nenhum "e" foi erased no documento, nao faz muito sentido. O que e que voce acha?

Proposed translations

21 mins
Portuguese term (edited): rasurado

erased/scraped "e"

Peer comment(s):

agree Henrique Magalhaes
30 mins
neutral Wm Steinmetz (X) : We say obliterated or struck (out). Need more context to know whether the "e" was struck and something else put in its place, or whether the "e" takes the place of something that was struck.
2 hrs
agree Fabio Descalzi
3 hrs
agree António Ribeiro : rasurar = tirar (letras ou palavras) num texto escrito, raspando ou riscando; fazer rasura(s) em
10 hrs
agree Deborah do Carmo : is definitely not obliterate as suggested,there is nothing being destroyed with a heavy hand here - erase, delete is fine, scrap is too informal though - it should be clear from the text where the "e" was crossed out earlier, this just confirms who did it
14 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Obrigada"
2 hrs
Portuguese term (edited): rasurado

conjugated with "e"

rasurar= to conjugate

assento should have been assentE...that is what it means ...Data do assente....

they are saying it should have been conjugated with E instead of O

This is UK or US English..same thing

Note added at 2 hrs 4 mins (2005-08-23 19:12:07 GMT)

check it out: rasurar in Portuguese from Portugal is to Conjugate...
Peer comment(s):

disagree Wm Steinmetz (X) : Where is the verb? The noun /assento/ means "registro, anotação; assentamento" in Port (Houaiss). /Rasura/ is common in notarial certs to mean something has been obliterated or struck (out). Surely more context is needed here to find out where the "e" was
49 mins
assetar....assente.. i dunno...i know it normally means struck out
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