Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:

agente da passiva

English translation:

passive trigger agent

Added to glossary by zabrowa
Aug 19, 2007 08:55
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Portuguese term

agente da passiva

Portuguese to English Science Linguistics Tonal languages
O termo agente da passiva não é explicitado na construção, mas a presença do tom apassivador indica que há um agente instigador do evento enunciado pelo verbo

The term passive agent is not made explicit in the construction, but the presence of the passivizing tone indicates that there is a YYY of the event made evident by the verb
Proposed translations (English)
3 passive trigger agent
5 +1 passive agent
4 operative term of the passive voice
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Non-PRO (1): Ivana de Sousa Santos

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zabrowa (asker) Aug 19, 2007:
PREVIOUS SENTENCE O tom ascendente apassivador ocorre com verbos transitivos tonais e atonais que são postos em relação com argumento sujeito paciente
jordanmartin (X) Aug 19, 2007:
is there any other mention of "a passiva" in the surrounding context? Because "passiva" seems to be the noun here, with "agente" being used as an adjective--"operative", or an equivalent word--modifying "termo". Thus, I'm not convinced by 'passive agent'

Proposed translations

11 hrs

passive trigger agent

A "passive agent" is a contradiction in terms. An agent, by definition, cannot be passive.

Here's how I interpret this difficult question, but I'm not very confident:

"The term "passive trigger agent" is not about the construction; rather, the presence of the passivizing tone implies that there has to be an agent that instigates the verb's event."

The terms "active" and "passive" trigger is just an alternative way of saying ... the verb in order to adjust the topicality of the core arguments involved. ...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for giving such a technically correct answer!"
2 hrs

passive agent

its very good
Peer comment(s):

agree Humberto Ribas
5 hrs
obrigada humberto
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6 hrs

operative term of the passive voice

"a passiva" is likely referring to "a voz passiva", the passive voice, so the "termo agente" is the subject (which is apparently non-specified in the example) to whom the action is refers.

so I would either simply put "passive agent" as Cristina suggests--omitting "term", for sure--or the complete idea, "operative term of the passive (voice).

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