Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Portuguese term or phrase:
agente da passiva
English translation:
passive trigger agent
Portuguese term
agente da passiva
The term passive agent is not made explicit in the construction, but the presence of the passivizing tone indicates that there is a YYY of the event made evident by the verb
3 | passive trigger agent |
Muriel Vasconcellos (X)
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5 +1 | passive agent |
cristina estanislau
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4 | operative term of the passive voice |
jordanmartin (X)
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Non-PRO (1): Ivana de Sousa Santos
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Proposed translations
passive trigger agent
Here's how I interpret this difficult question, but I'm not very confident:
"The term "passive trigger agent" is not about the construction; rather, the presence of the passivizing tone implies that there has to be an agent that instigates the verb's event."
The terms "active" and "passive" trigger is just an alternative way of saying ... the verb in order to adjust the topicality of the core arguments involved. ...
operative term of the passive voice
so I would either simply put "passive agent" as Cristina suggests--omitting "term", for sure--or the complete idea, "operative term of the passive (voice).