Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

medic de garda

English translation:

doctor on duty

Added to glossary by Constantinos Faridis (X)
Feb 12, 2010 13:40
15 yrs ago
13 viewers *
Romanian term

medic de garda

Romanian to English Medical Medical (general)
"medic de garda la sectia de Hematologie a Spitalului Coltea"...
Proposed translations (English)
4 +3 doctor on duty
4 +4 on-call physician
Change log

Feb 15, 2010 06:51: Constantinos Faridis (X) changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/0">'s</a> old entry - "medic de garda"" to ""doctor on duty""

Feb 15, 2010 06:51: Constantinos Faridis (X) changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/994823">Constantinos Faridis (X)'s</a> old entry - "medic de garda"" to ""doctor on duty""

Proposed translations

13 mins

doctor on duty

Doctor On Duty is a medical deputising and locum service that provides a medical home visiting service 24 hours a day, supporting member General ... octor on night duty, infant dies in RML 16 Feb 2009 ... Latest news, breaking news - No doctor on night duty, infant dies in RML. ... The doctor on duty, Saurav Rana, did not turn up for his shift ...
Peer comment(s):

agree George C. : or on call
28 mins
thanks George
agree Mihaela Sinca
1 hr
multumesc Mihaela
agree Iosif JUHASZ
5 hrs
multumesc Iosif
agree Tradeuro Language Services
18 hrs
neutral Liviu-Lee Roth : maybe in India; 1. it is "medical doctor" or physician, 2. physicians are "on duty' 24/7
1 day 6 hrs
disagree Gabrielle Weatherhead : it is never used in Englih speaking countries, the term "doctor" does not by itself imply a reference to a medical doctor or physician.
3 days 3 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "multumesc"
3 hrs

on-call physician

Who are on-call physicians?

While emergency physicians are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, other medical specialists are "on-call," which means they are called in as needed. On-call physicians, such as neurosurgeons, cardiologists, and orthopedists, provide services to hospital emergency departments to medically screen and stabilize emergency conditions.
Peer comment(s):

agree Liviu-Lee Roth
1 day 2 hrs
Multumesc Lee!
agree Alina Weidell
1 day 12 hrs
Multumesc Alina!
agree Mihaela Buruiana
1 day 18 hrs
Multumesc Ella!
agree Gabrielle Weatherhead : chiar daca s-a ales deja raspunsul, gresit dealtfel, as dori sa subliniez faptul ca aceasta ar fi fost traducerea corecta :-)
2 days 23 hrs
Multumesc Gabrielle!
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