Glossary entry

Russian term or phrase:

рассматривать дело по существу

English translation:

to review the merits of the case

Added to glossary by David Knowles
Mar 23, 2005 08:29
19 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Russian term

рассматривать дело по существу

Russian to English Law/Patents Law (general)
если бы она чувствовала что её шансы виграть дело хорошие она бы позволила суду рассматривать дело по существу

Discussion Mar 23, 2005:
+ ���������� if she felt that her chances to win the case were (��� ��� ���� are ?!) good ...

Proposed translations

21 mins
Russian term (edited): ������������ ���� �� �������

review the essence of the case

If she felt that her chances of winning the case were good, she would review the essence of the case/review the details of the case/review the case seriously.

Note added at 2 hrs 33 mins (2005-03-23 11:03:30 GMT)

Revised version following \"just criticism\" of my hasty reply! However, I\'m still not quite clear who \"she\" is - is she the plaintiff or a lawyer or an investigating magistrate?

If she felt that her chances of winning the case were good she would permit the court to review the merits of the case.

Less literally and more informally: If she felt her chances of winning the case were good she would let the case go to trial.
Peer comment(s):

neutral SirReaL : the text talks about her letting the court hear the case based on it merits... +++ what it actually means is "she would let the matter go to court". did i make a mistake reading your translation or is does it indeed stray in meaning?
4 mins
"she would review the case on its merits" is a good alternative, but I'm not sure that answers your objections. Are there two "she"s?
neutral Marcus Malabad : what happened to "она бы позволила суду" - she would've permitted the court to review the case...
22 mins
that's what happens when you see this 30 sec. before you go out!
agree Mikhail Kriviniouk : with Marcus. need to add "would let the court..."
49 mins
I'll post revisions!
agree Tatiana Nero (X) : she would let the case go to court - а вообще постановка вопроса странная. Дело либо рассматривается судом, либо не рассматривается - тут уже не идет речь "по существу" или "не по существу".
4 hrs
neutral Robert Donahue (X) : I think SirReal put the best version in his comment to you David. Although "let the case go to trial" is really good. Depends on how formal the document in question is.
5 hrs
disagree cheeter : court review - это уже "пересмотр" дела, а не рассмотрение. В суде первой инстанции to hear the case on its merits.
10 days
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "many thanks to everybody !"
4 mins
Russian term (edited): ������������ ���� �� �������

to conduct a fair trial


Note added at 5 mins (2005-03-23 08:35:14 GMT)

Had she felt that her chances to win the case were good, she would...

Note added at 4 hrs 9 mins (2005-03-23 12:39:14 GMT)

\"to conduct a fair trial\" говорится о суде, как и задано в условии вопроса. Если \'суд\' не упоминать, подходят другие фразы, например, как у Дэвида.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Robert Donahue (X) : I think you nailed it in your comment to David. "She felt that her chances of winning in court were good so she decided to let the case be evaluated on its own merits."
6 hrs
Thanx --- right --- with an "if" --- "if she felt that... she would..."
neutral cheeter : fair trial и to hear the case on its merits относятся к разным аспектам судопроизводства.
10 days
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