Glossary entry

Russian term or phrase:

ионограмма крови

English translation:

blood electrolytes

Added to glossary by Dylan Edwards
Jan 7, 2010 11:45
15 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Russian term

ионограмма крови

Russian to English Medical Medical (general) haematology
Гемодилюция желатинолем не вызывала существенных сдвигов в ионограмме крови

I'm cautious about using the word 'ionogram' in English, particularly in the light of a previous ProZ question, which happens to be French-English:

Is it preferable to say 'electrolytes in the blood'? Or would you say something on the lines of 'the electrolyte * of the blood' (insert word of your choice: composition, structure, balance, pattern ...)?
Or would you say 'ion' rather than 'electrolyte'?

Electrolytes, as I understand it, are substances that become ions in solution.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +4 blood electrolytes


Dylan Edwards (asker) Jan 7, 2010:
Interestingly enough, the Routledge French-English Glossary of Medical terms gives "electrolytogram" for the French term "ionogramme" - but I don't know whether "electrolytogram" is used much in English. It isn't in Dorland.

Proposed translations

13 mins

blood electrolytes

I would go for "blood electrolytes."
*Электролиты: ионограмма* (калий, натрий, хлор), фосфор, магний, кальций - баланс электролитов связан с функцией почек, в связи с чем оценка их содержания необходима у пациентов с хронической почечной недостаточностью и, кроме того, для контроля применения гипотензивных и диуретических препаратов, которыми обычно пользуются пациенты с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями.

*An ionogram* seems to have a different meaning.
An ionogram is a display of the data produced by an ionosonde. It is a graph of the virtual height of the ionosphere plotted against frequency. Ionograms are often converted into electron density profiles. Data from ionograms may be used to measure changes in the Earth's ionosphere due to space weather events.
Note from asker:
Thank you. Yes, although my Russian-English medical dictionary gives 'ionogram', I don't trust it in this case! 'Ionogram' is used in a different sense in English.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you!"

Reference comments

21 mins

Serum electorlytes

Serum electorlytes. "Blood ionogram" is also possible.
The term was previously discussed
Peer comments on this reference comment:

neutral M.D. (X) : serum - сыворотка, не так ли? Я бы не стала утверждать, что для исследования используется именно сыворотка, так как уровень электролитов может измеряться в плазме, сыворотке и цельной крови.
17 mins
В целом, Любовь, Вы правы. Тогда Ваша "blood" будет наиболее общим термином и наиболее уместным.
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