Oct 26, 2013 03:16
11 yrs ago
Russian term

Симптомы Воскресенского, Ровзинга, Ситковского - отрицательные

Russian to English Medical Medical (general) Hospital discharge summar
A point from hospital discharge summary.


Sergei, MD Oct 27, 2013:
yes, in the States it is different. Sometimes Russian names of signs do not correspond to American.
Maruti Shinde Oct 27, 2013:
OK, need an expert opinion on this.
Sergei, MD Oct 26, 2013:
против всех Sitkovskiy (Rosenstein)'s sign - употребляется
Rovsing's sign - употребляется
Voskresenski's - не употребимо в английском, скорее встретите phenomenon of skin hypersensitivity, про симптом рубашки вряд ли кто слышал.
Два из трёх авторов ответов неправильно употребили
слово symptom, здесь нужно sign - иначе не передаётся смысл.
Maruti Shinde Oct 26, 2013:
Symptoms of Voskresensky, Rovzing, Sitovsky - Negative
Maruti Shinde Oct 26, 2013:
Carole, yes you are right.
Carole Wolfe Oct 26, 2013:
Change word order To indicate that these symptoms were not present, you could change the word order in one of two ways:
(1) Negative for symptoms of Voskresensky, Rovzing, Sitovsky
(2) Symptoms of Voskresensky, Rovzing, Sitovsky - Negative

Proposed translations

3 hrs

tests on Voskresensky, Rovzing, Sitkovsky symptoms are negative

если смущают просто отрицательные симптомы.
Peer comment(s):

agree Natalia Avseenko
3 hrs
Thank you!
agree cyhul
18 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
1 hr

negative symptoms of Voskresensky, Rovzing, Sitovsky

negative symptoms of Voskresensky, Rovzing, Sitovsky

Note added at 1 hr (2013-10-26 04:18:38 GMT)

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3 hrs

Rovsing's, Voskresenski's, and Sitkovski's signs negative

Only the first one is familiar to the Western surgeons. No need to explain what is Voskresenski's, and Sitkovski's signs instead of transliterating?
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