Dec 18, 2002 19:06
22 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Spanish term
...sus últimas aproximaciones a ese ángel necesario.
Spanish to English
performance art
Tres se define como activista del silencio. Canaliza su empeño en la demostración de la presencia del silencio en cuanto a entidad per se, y no como ausencia de otra cosa. Su activismo se concreta en actos como los Cocktails Silenciosos o los Conciertos para Apagar. Recientemente ha salido al mercado un CD que compila dos de sus últimas aproximaciones a ese ángel necesario.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
12 mins
his latest approaches to this golden necessity
golden necessity, I take from the expression "silence is golden"...because necessary angel sounds awful...
golden necessity, I take from the expression "silence is golden"...because necessary angel sounds awful...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thanks Jane. I like this suggestion best and I agree about 'necessary angel' - it is something I've never heard used and I'd rather not use it myself - Merry Xmas - aob "
1 hr
pregnant need
as in pregnant silences (a shot, anyway).
The problem is, we never say "an angel has passed" when there's a sudden silence. But we do say "pregnant silences".
The problem is, we never say "an angel has passed" when there's a sudden silence. But we do say "pregnant silences".
1 hr
his latest encounters with the necessary angel (the indispensable icon)
2500 hits for "necessary angel". As Jane saids, it sounds strange, but it is used. Whatever that means. "indispensable icon" is an abstraction that may resemble the spirit of the original. Let's see...
Note added at 2002-12-18 20:15:42 (GMT)
essential, better than \"indispensable\"
Note added at 2002-12-18 20:16:38 (GMT)
\"that\" instead of \"the\"
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i·con ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kn)
also i·kon (kn)
An image; a representation.
A representation or picture of a sacred or sanctified Christian personage, traditionally used and venerated in the Eastern Church.
An important and enduring symbol: “Voyager will take its place... alongside such icons of airborne adventure as The Spirit of St. Louis and [the] Bell X-1” (William D. Marbach).
One who is the object of great attention and devotion; an idol: “He is... a pop icon designed and manufactured for the video generation” (Harry F. Waters).
Note added at 2002-12-18 20:15:42 (GMT)
essential, better than \"indispensable\"
Note added at 2002-12-18 20:16:38 (GMT)
\"that\" instead of \"the\"
Note added at 2002-12-18 20:51:23 (GMT)
i·con ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kn)
also i·kon (kn)
An image; a representation.
A representation or picture of a sacred or sanctified Christian personage, traditionally used and venerated in the Eastern Church.
An important and enduring symbol: “Voyager will take its place... alongside such icons of airborne adventure as The Spirit of St. Louis and [the] Bell X-1” (William D. Marbach).
One who is the object of great attention and devotion; an idol: “He is... a pop icon designed and manufactured for the video generation” (Harry F. Waters).
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X)
: how can silence be an icon?
30 mins
hmmm....extreme abstraction, I know. However, icon can convey a profound meaning close to an angel. Actually, icon started being used as a religious/heavenly representation... Thanks for your input and the best holiday greetings to you!
2 hrs
...his latest attempts on the necessary angel...
Just another suggestion. Maybe "essai" could also be used in this sentence
17 hrs
his last approachmentes to this necesary angel.
This is the most accurate sentecce. I hope.
Peer comment(s):
disagree |
Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X)
: Diego, approachments is NOT a word in English. Just to let you know....
2 hrs
you are right, Thanks. there are a few extra letters I added without intention. I´ll re-write it.
20 hrs
his latest approaches to this necesary angel
Pls. excuse for my previous opinion. I wrote it badly.
Something went wrong...