Nov 23, 2009 19:19
15 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Spanish term

libres de excepción

Spanish to English Law/Patents Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
In a recognition of paternity issued in the Dominican Republic, the witnesses are described as "libres de excepción". I've seen "testigos de excepción" used to describe special/expert witnesses before, so does this mean simply that they're ordinary witnesses?
Thanks in advance for your help.


philgoddard Nov 23, 2009:
Thanks Martin.
Martin Boyd (asker) Nov 23, 2009:
The full sentence, in relation to the declaration of recognition is as follows: "HECHO en mi oficina en la fecha indicada, en presencia de los testigos, Señores Fulano y Fulano, mayores de edad, dominicanos, de este domicilio y residencia, libres de excepción, quienes después de lectura aprobada, firman junto con el compareciente."
philgoddard Nov 23, 2009:
Could it mean there is no legal reason why they shouldn't serve as witnesses? Could we have the full context?

Proposed translations

1 hr

of unquestionable integrity, of unquestionable character

These could work.
Peer comment(s):

agree Emma Ratcliffe
1 day 19 hrs
agree Marjory Hord : Thank you so much, Emma.
2 days 1 hr
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
1 hr

of good character

ie there's no legal reason why they shouldn't act as witnesses.
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3 days 8 mins

...with no legal impediment...

19 Jan 2001 ... For purposes of this subpart, ``legal impediment'' means an impediment resulting from the lack of dissolution of a previous marriage or ... - En caché - Similares
Catholic Culture : Dictionary : LEGAL IMPEDIMENT - [ Traducir esta página ]LEGAL IMPEDIMENT An obstacle to valid marriage, determined by civil authority. According to the constant tradition of the Catholic Church, the State has no ... - En caché
legal impediment | Other | Dictionary & Translation by Babylon - [ Traducir esta página ]legal impediment. Dictionary terms for legal impediment, definition for legal impediment, Thesaurus and Translations of legal impediment to Arabic. - En caché
Legal impediments [EBRD Sectors: Legal transition] - [ Traducir esta página ]The Report is a result of a project, the objectives of which were to (i) identify existing legal impediments to non-sovereign lending and PPPs in Russia, ... › ... › Legal transition › Concessions - En caché - Similares
[PDF] Legal Impediments to Rural Development - [ Traducir esta página ]Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápida
INRM Policy Brief No. 5. India Resident Mission. Policy Brief Series. Legal Impediments to Rural. Development. Sandeep Shastri. Asian Development Bank ...
[PDF] With the creation of the - [ Traducir esta página ]Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versión en HTML
SPECIAL FEATURE | Legal Impediments to Operationalization nifying intent of the parties to be bound under international law and denominated as an inter- ... - Similares
Bank Holding Companies Are Not a Legal Impediment To Regulatory ... - [ Traducir esta página ]4 Apr 2009 ... Liberal coverage of crime-related political and injustice news. - En caché - Similares
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Reference comments

43 mins

All I can think of is "flawless" witness, but I don't think it is a legitimate legal term:)

Elementos teorico-practicos de procedimientos civiles con ... - Google Books Result
by José María Céspedes - 1802 - Law
Testigos son las personas indiferentes de que se valen los litigantes para ... se llama testigo libre de toda excepción; aquellos que estén conformes al ...

el que no tiene tacha alguna que pueda desvirtuar su dicho = testigo libre de toda excepción

Note added at 1 hr (2009-11-23 20:57:08 GMT)

further clue

Free Translation Question
Spanish English - es un testigo instrumental libre de tachas y excepciones que prevee la ley.
Name Answer Rating
Sylvia Etcheverry he/she is an attesting witness, free from blemishes and exceptions defined by the law.
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