Glossary entry

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Added to glossary by EirTranslations
May 20, 2012 07:22
12 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Other Electronics / Elect Eng
Please read closely, I know tha standard meaning and kudoz, but it is within this context, I know that just an interruptor is a switch, however interruptor here refers to


where I was going to use circuit breakers for the translation of interruptores de potencia (have seen also circuit switches). However if I use circuit breakers....I would therefore not be able to call this just a switch (would have to be a circuit breaker? That is my doubt) Pls see below thanks

Dispositivo que permite abrir o cerrar una conexión eléctrica entre dos puntos o contactos, aún cuando este circulando corriente eléctrica entre ellos.
Para esto dispone de algún medio de extinción del arco eléctrico que se produce durante la operación.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 switch
4 +1 Power switches


meirs May 20, 2012:
Recierre - reclosing This is a feature of a (MV or HV) breaker - feeding overhead lines - where temporary (fleeting) faults to earth can be caused by wind, trees, etc.. Reclosing after 0.3 seconds, 5 seconds, 30 seconds can succeed if the fault was fleeting and gone (i.e., not permanent)
psicutrinius May 20, 2012:
Recierre? The usual word here is (in the "trade-talk") "rearme" (English: reset). Also, most probably, these are circuit breakers ("interruptores automáticos", or "disyuntores"), because they are "de potencia" and are thus exposed to possible short circuits / overloads downstream.

However, from the available context, a plain switch cannot be fully ruled out but, since a complete specification for the switches in question follows in your text, could you please check whether there is any mention to "relés térmicos" and/or "relé instanténeo" o "relé de cortocircuito" or "relé magnético"?. That would identify the device as a circuit breaker beyond any doubt.

Proposed translations

1 hr


Refer to IEC Electropedia (IEC 60050)
Peer comment(s):

agree eski : Say no more. eski :))
9 hrs
Thanks !
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thx"
1 hr

Power switches

Please see the reference.

Note added at 1 hr (2012-05-20 08:24:13 GMT)

From the reference website, you can find, for example:

"All the power switches are accessible from outside when the inverter casing is closed."
"Todos los interruptores de potencia son accesibles desde el exterior con la carcasa del inversor cerrada."


"Located in the intermediate area of the column, contains one, two or three power switches per column, according to the modulation and intensity."
"Situado en la zona intermedia de la columna, aloja uno, dos ó tres interruptores de potencia por columna, según modulación e intensidad."
Peer comment(s):

agree Julio Bereciartu
7 hrs
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