Oct 7, 2011 03:02
13 yrs ago
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Spanish term

por dinámica marino-costera

Spanish to English Other Environment & Ecology
El estudio debe contener un mapeo de las zonas climáticas de largo plazo para las zonas vulnerables por inundación o sequías, por huracanes, por dinámica marino-costera e incorporarlo en el plan de adaptación.

Can someone please help me with the meaning/translation of "dinámica" here and also with the word "por"?

I thought at first it was saying areas vulnerable TO flooding, drought etc. but it can't be as that would be "vulnerables a" not "vulnerables por", so does it mean that the map/mapping has to be broken down to show the data according to disaster types, e.g. floods, droughts, hurricanes and then dinámica marino-costera whatever that is?



Muriel Vasconcellos (X) Oct 7, 2011:
Use of "por" If you think of it as meaning 'because of', I think the relationships will be clear to you. I wouldn't recommend using 'due to', because strictly speaking, 'due to' has to have a noun antecedent: x is due to y.
CateA (X) (asker) Oct 7, 2011:
Thanks for your reply. I originally had "The study should contain a long-term climate zone map showing areas prone to flooding or drought, hurricanes..." but that doesn't work with the "por dinámica marino-costera part". Grateful for any suggestions about how to word it to fit the dinámica part in. Perhaps "..for areas that are vulnerable due to flooding or drought, hurricanes, coastal-marine dynamics", but I don't like vulnerable due to flooding. Surely they are vulnerable to flooding, not due to flooding. Thanks for any help!

Proposed translations

3 hrs

[vulnerable] because of . . . and coastal and marine dynamics

See my discussion above on "por" (I wasn't intending to answer the question, but here I am).

Examples of 'coastal and marine dynamics':

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
especially coastal and marine dynamics. He has edited nine publications in the areas of marine geology/geophysics and Marine and Coastal dynamics. Notable ...

books.google.com/books?isbn=9041104356...Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea - 1998 - Law - 1048 pages
... of Nigeria made a renewed pledge to accommodate two scientists from the IOCEA region for two months, for training on coastal and marine dynamics. ...

books.google.com/books?isbn=9041104356...Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea - 1998 - Law - 1048 pages
... of Nigeria made a renewed pledge to accommodate two scientists from the IOCEA region for two months, for training on coastal and marine dynamics. ...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks very much!"
16 mins

due to coastal-marine dynamics

due to coastal-marine dynamics

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19 mins

by/in terms of marine-coastal activity

Research and Analysis Division, Department of Finance to estimate the economic value of oceans, marine and coastal activity. (i.e., the oceans sector) in the ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Gonzalo Palacios
8 mins
thanks GE :)
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20 mins

(susceptible /affected) to/by marine-coastal dynamics

I think your reading too much into the poorly written Spanish, and this is what they mean.

coastal "phenomena" could also be an option; not a strict translation of dynamics but…

Home > Coastal Dynamics > Wind > Wind and Storms

Geology — Coastal Dynamics and Erosion

for training on coastal and marine dynamics. 379. The Assembly endorsed the new strategy proposed for Capacity Building/TEMA to be ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Gonzalo Palacios
6 mins
neutral Muriel Vasconcellos (X) : You gave a perfect example of 'coastal and marine dynamics; - I doubt that we would hyphenate the two in English.
3 hrs
Thanks Muriel
agree Cristina Novo
4 hrs
Thanks Cristina
agree Benjamin A Flores
6 hrs
Thanks Benjamin
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