Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

actividades inmobiliarias

English translation:

property sector

Added to glossary by James A. Walsh
Jul 21, 2010 19:33
14 yrs ago
10 viewers *
Spanish term

actividades inmobiliarias

Spanish to English Bus/Financial Finance (general) Property

I'm currently translation a text on the effect of the financial crisis on the Spanish economy. This section of the text deals with the increase in credit linked to the property market.

I'm having difficulties with the first part of this sentence:

"La elevada absorción de crédito por parte de las actividades inmobiliarias contenida en las cifras anteriores guarda una estrecha relación con algunos de los desarrollos macroeconómicos más significativos de la última etapa de crecimiento, como son el aparente «exceso de sensibilidad» del crédito con respecto al PIB y el abultado déficit por cuenta corriente."

My attempt is:

"High credit absorption by property activities in the figures above maintain a close relationship with some of the most significant macroeconomic developments of the last period of growth..."

I'm OK with the second half, it's just the first part of the sentence that is causing problems for me.

Thanks in advance,

Change log

Jul 24, 2010 09:16: James A. Walsh changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/934837">darrenthomps's</a> old entry - "actividades inmobiliarias "" to ""property sector""


philgoddard Jul 21, 2010:
Sorry, I meant the other way around. The subject of the clause is "absorption" (singular), not "figures"(plural).
James A. Walsh Jul 21, 2010:
¿ein? His translation is "maintain", not "maintains"!?
philgoddard Jul 21, 2010:
There's one error in your translation - it should be "maintain", not "maintains".

Proposed translations

27 mins

property sector

If I was translating this for the UK, I'd render it something along these lines.
Example sentence:

The high absorption of property sector credit reflected in the above figures...

Peer comment(s):

agree Ruth Ramsey
11 mins
Cheers Ruth :-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks James, most helpful!"
8 mins

real estate/property business

I don't know about absorption of credit, maybe better expansion of credit
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8 mins

activity in the real estate sector

I would translate it this way as it covers the multitude of things that have occurred in the sector that have affected the banks' bottom line and credit worthiness. Examples: activity associated with the commercial real estate sector is money laundering to ... - En caché - Similares;various measures of real economic activity in the real estate sector were affected by those same local economic and bank conditions. We found that activity ... - Similares;

Note added at 10 mins (2010-07-21 19:43:59 GMT)

A better example: Besides, this important growth in the real estate sector was financed to a significant ... the absorption of losses derived from the real estate crisis and, ... However, the increase of deeds during this fiscal period –due to the sales .... activities (real estate and financial assets), the net bank debt amounts to ... - En caché
Peer comment(s):

agree amendozachisum : agree, I suggest you use"high rate of credit granted to" activiy in the real estate sector
2 hrs
Thanks, amendozachisum. I think you suggestion is very useful.
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18 mins

real estate activity

The high absorption of credit by the real estate activities contained in the above figures....
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11 hrs

the real estate sector

My suggestion.

"Real estate/ property activities" does not sound well and is almost never used. "Property sector" is also not commonly used in reference to the mortgage crisi, the credit cruch, and the financial crisis worldwide that ensued. "Real estate sector" a term I have chosen, is commonly encountered in news accounts and articles on the subject, and a lot more Google hits to boot.

Current Statistics *
Higher risk weights and credit crunch will affect, though it may be moderate. Trade and Recreation ... Real estate sector is likely to remain subdued. ... - Cached

Reserve Bank of India
30 Oct 2007... issues relating to creation of credit absorption capacities, ..... norms for lending to the real estate sector in their policies. ... - Cached

For fear of loosing their money amidst slowdown market and credit crunch, ... in leaving the real estate sector in high and dry, triggered a grim situation. ...

1 to 4 page.p65
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creation of credit absorption capacities, need ...... Exposure to real estate sector is inclusive of both direct and indirect lending. Fortnight Ended ...
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