Jun 27, 2011 03:02
13 yrs ago
Spanish term

Ha entrado un nota nuevo y con el un rumor que te cagas.

Spanish to English Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Hello all,
I would appreciate some help translating "Ha entrado un nota nuevo y con el un rumor que te cagas".
Here's the context. A friend is calling another from prison.

A: Killo escuchame que tengo que hablar rápido que aquí no nos dejan tener teléfono
B: ¿qué?
A: Ha entrado un nota nuevo y con el un rumor que te cagas...
dile al Kaki que agüita...
A: Que se vaya killo, que van a por él, que van a por él...

Thanks very much
Change log

Jun 27, 2011 03:05: philgoddard changed "Field (specific)" from "Linguistics" to "General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters"

Proposed translations

4 hrs

A new bloke's (dude's) arrived, and he's brought a shit-scary rumour with him

Hi there,

If I'm not mistaken and this is Spanish from Spain, the expression "que te cagas" is a slangy way to provide emphasis to a statement - by no means would I consider it is as strong as derivative forms of "fuck" though.

It's not easy no find a direct equivalent in English though, as "que te cagas" can mean "really good" or "really bad" depending on the context. "Shit-scary" is an expression I've heard occasionally in the UK and think it might convey the same sort of emphasis here, but I'd await confirmation from people currently living in the UK.

Bloke/geezer (UK) or dude (US) I think would be a similar register to 'nota'. El Nota was actually the name given in Spain to Jeff Bridges' character The Dude in The Big Lebowski.

Good luck,

Álvaro :O) :O)
Peer comment(s):

agree Charles Davis : Not sure about "shit-scary"; I wondered about "gobsmacking", or "a hell of a rumour". // Nice of you to suggest it, but I see it as a minor variant; I'm with you all the way on the rest (and "con él" is not easy). If the asker prefers "a hell of", fine :)
12 mins
Thanks Charles. You're right, "a hell of" is probably closer and indeed, 'shit scared' (and 'scare the shit out of') are a lot more common than 'shit-scary'. Why not enter a separate answer? Mine can definitely be improved upon. :O ):O)
agree Paula Lis : This translation sounds perfect to me. I would go for "a hell of a rumour", though. I would also like to point out that the original sentence in Spanish should read "... y con él (diacritical mark) un rumor que te cagas"
2 hrs
Thanks Paula. Fully agreed on both counts. Charles should enter a separate answer imo; the rendering of que te cagas is the main problem here. :O) :O)
agree Muriel Vasconcellos (X)
3 days 20 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
3 hrs

In came a new guy and along with him a really fucked up rumour.

"Nota" in this case means "guy".
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9 hrs

There's a new guy here spreading this fucked-up rumour.

That would be my take on it.
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