Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

carretillero/mozo de almacen

English translation:

fork-lift truck operator / warehouseman

Added to glossary by Andrea Macarie (X)
Nov 27, 2006 10:47
18 yrs ago
15 viewers *
Spanish term

carretillero/mozo de almacen

Spanish to English Other Human Resources
thanks a lot


Andrea Macarie (X) (asker) Nov 27, 2006:
trabajadores de un almacen.

Proposed translations

27 mins

fork-lift truck operator / warehouseman

Firstly, you need to be careful with the word almacén; in Spain it means warehouse, but in some parts of Central and South America it means shop.

In BrE a man who works in a warehouse is called a warehouseman. Pure and simple.

Carretilla elevadora (or toro) is a fork-lift truck; hence, fork-lift truck operator.
Peer comment(s):

agree Noni Gilbert Riley : yes
44 mins
Thank you, Aceavila.
agree SteveW
1 hr
Thank you, Steve.
agree Victoria Frazier : Voto por warehouseman
5 hrs
Thank you, Victoria.
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4 mins

barrow-man/grocery store clerk

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Note added at 13 minutos (2006-11-27 11:01:26 GMT)


Warehouse stock clerk
Stock clerk

Note added at 14 minutos (2006-11-27 11:01:51 GMT)

stock clerk [Archive] - WordReference Forums[Archive] stock clerk General Vocabulary / Vocabulario General. ... 17th April 2006, 04:35 PM. Mozo de almacén :) creo que también sirve ;) ... - 3k - En caché - Páginas similares

Mozo de almacén [Archive] - WordReference Forums[Archive] Mozo de almacén General Vocabulary / Vocabulario General. ... 27th October 2005, 07:39 PM. how about one of these: warehouseman stock clerk ... - 3k - En caché - Páginas similares
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