This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Mar 18, 2010 01:47
14 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Spanish term

Nota UM

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) Deed
Hi. I would appreciate your help.

This is a note made by a Spanish public notary and it appears in the deed. Can anyone help me out with what UM stands for and its translation?

"[NOTA UM: Pendiente de confirmar aspectos fiscales (y, en particular, tratamiento del IVA) por la prestación de los indicados servicios]."

Thanks a lot :)


Carolina Brito Mar 18, 2010:
la verdad que si.....muy dificil sin mas contexto...yo solo queria ayudar o prender algun foquito en alguien mas...por esos las ?????
Lo único que se me ocurre es "NOTA UNIDA AL MARGEN". Sin ver más contexto es complicado. Saludos

Proposed translations

1 hr

¿¿¿unica mencion???

Aprobada la Ley Ómnibus de la Región de Murcia
- Translate
Nota: La única mención en esta normativa a colegios profesionales está en el Título III sobre las normas de aplicación de los tributos (Ver BORM) ... index.php/unionprofesional/... - Cached
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9 hrs

Unida de Medida

UM is a common abbreviation for Unit of Measure. Not sure how it fits with your text overall, but clients should really define ALL the abbreviations and acronyms they use. I have no qualms about nagging my own clients incessantly about this, as well as banging on about it on proz.
Note from asker:
You're right neilma. We still don't know what it is but we think it is a specific abbreviation used/invented by CAM which is the banks who appears and probaly drafted this deed. I asked three notaries and they don't have a clue. Go figure.
sorry :) it's neilmac, right?
Peer comment(s):

agree Mercedes Rizzuti : I think that's it. I found other options but they are hilarious in this context
6 hrs
agree eski : Unidad: saludos! eski
8 hrs
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