Spanish term
Denuncia contra alguien por algo
Denuncia contra IMB por falsificar....
Non-PRO (1): Beatriz Pérez
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Proposed translations
to press charges/to file a complaint
agree |
Remy Arce
40 mins
agree |
Lisa Mann
: file a complaint against XXX for falsifying...
41 mins
agree |
: file a complaint, yes; the other is for criminal matters
2 hrs
agree |
eloso (X)
15 hrs
agree |
Vladimir Martinez
: well done Sagitario,really the best one for this topic!CheerZ!
17 hrs
Complaint against [someone] for [something]
Note added at 16 mins (2008-04-25 10:40:10 GMT)
Rebeca, the whole sentence would be:
'Complaint against yahoo for removal of a user's email'
allegation against.......for.....
Note added at 21 mins (2008-04-25 10:45:07 GMT)
Denuncia is a noun here not a verb (unless it should be with an 'r' at the end)
**Allegations against Schofield** for misconduct, including accepting bribes, unauthorized use of government credit cards, and **falsifying"" immigration documents date back at least 10 years, according to the Inspector General's office.
The **allegations against AIG** include misleading investors by being part of a “bid-rigging” scheme and by the “true nature” of its contingent- commission arrangements with Marsh & McLennan and other insurance brokers.
agree |
Nelida Kreer
: Although this question has been closed, and although "denunciar" is to "file a complaint", in this context, of a news headline, I feel that "allegations against" is the right term. The other option seems somehow to be out of place. Nice research.
13 hrs
Thanks for your comments Niki!
accusation of (XXX) against (XXX)
charge against s/o for s/t
"IMB in court for falsifying ..."
"IMB charged with falsification of ..."
"IMB accused of ..."
Note added at 7 hrs (2008-04-25 17:35:06 GMT) Post-grading
"Yahoo in Court for Deleting User Account"... etc.
to denounce legal charge(s) against....
Note added at 7 hrs (2008-04-25 17:33:19 GMT) Post-grading
Very common in american western english!!!!For your information!
Note added at 17 hrs (2008-04-26 03:48:13 GMT) Post-grading
That´s the way we can learn more,criticizing in a good manner,thankZ a lot for your advices mates and Good Luck!.Hope we can stick on having this kind of debates!...CheerZ!
disagree |
: Denounce is not used in this way: too literal; I totally agree with Joseph, in all my years of law, NEVER heard of it. Your website is an e-mail address by the way...
1 hr
[email protected]
disagree |
Joseph Tein
: In my professional opinion as a state-certified court interpreter: this usage of 'denounce' does NOT exist in what you call 'american western english.'
5 hrs
the same website for you and for your information!
disagree |
Flavio Posse
: I don't know what kind of english this is, but definitely NOT american western english//your link is a email address, not a website. Your opinion is not false, just wrong.
15 hrs
Stick on the website I sent you all,is a link engaged with legal terms with Webster Inc,whatever,I would never give a false opinion or a wrong orientation to my pals members!Anyway...Good Luck!...Have a look on my profile!
Denuncia contra yahoo por borrar el correo de un usuario