Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

continuaba de baja

English translation:

was still on leave

Added to glossary by peterinmadrid
Jun 17, 2010 22:54
14 yrs ago
Spanish term

continuaba de baja

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) Labour law
Part of a list of compensation payable for wrongful dismissal:

indemnización: xx €; salarios dejados de percibir: xx €. De forma preventiva se han considerado sólo dos meses, puesto que al momento de la demanda el trabajador continuaba de baja, iniciada antes del despido, y la prestación no es por cuenta del empresario).
Proposed translations (English)
4 +4 was still on leave
4 +1 was still on sick leave


peterinmadrid (asker) Jun 18, 2010:
In this case it appears that everyone working for the company was fired whilst this particular person was "de baja" and the employees are making claims for wrongful dismissal.
Belen Barilatti Jun 17, 2010:
Buen punto Chema, no lo había visto desde ese punto de vista!
José Mª SANZ (X) Jun 17, 2010:
Estoy de acuerdo, Belén pero es que en España no se puede despedir a un trabajador que esté de baja por enfermedad o accidente laboral y creo que la traducción de peterenmadrid se basa en que se invoca este principio de la norma para defender el derecho de un trabajador a no ser despedido.
Belen Barilatti Jun 17, 2010:
Sick leave se refiere a lincencia por enfermedad, y como acá no aclara, yo pondría solo leave.

Proposed translations

9 mins

was still on leave

Mi sugerencia.

Note added at 10 mins (2010-06-17 23:05:22 GMT)

Better (probably): leave of absence.
Ref.Thomas West, Dictionary of Law & Business
Peer comment(s):

agree Belen Barilatti
3 mins
Muchas gracias Belen.
agree Cinnamon Nolan : Given that the type of leave isn't specified, I'd leave it 'leave'. :-)
4 hrs
Muchas gracias Cinnamon.
agree Jenni Lukac (X)
7 hrs
Muchas gracias Jenni.
agree Ruth Ramsey : I'm not sure that it's definitely "sick leave".
2 days 20 hrs
Muchas gracias Ruth.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you, Leonardo."
13 mins

was still on sick leave

Creo que es lo correcto:

Police provincial spokesman Captain Ernest Sigobe said Colonel Daniel Kamfer, now based at the Mount Road police station, had still not been suspended as he was still on sick leave.

“We have to await his return before any action can be decided on.”

He added that details regarding Kamfer’s sick leave “were not for public consumption”.
Peer comment(s):

agree Jenny Westwell : I agree with your explanation in the discussion: "sick leave" makes more sense and is the usual meaning of "de baja" in Spain (in my experience). Saludos :)
12 hrs
That's what I thought. Thank you very much, la acequiera. Regards
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