Oct 16, 2013 12:57
11 yrs ago
17 viewers *
Spanish term

como de ejecución

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) Power of attorney
Representar a la Sociedad en juicio y fuera de él y, por tanto, comparecer y estar en juicio con facultades de poder general de representación procesal según lo prevenido en el Artículo 25 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil, en cualquier clase de jurisdicción, en todos los actos procesales comprendidos de ordinario, tanto en fase declarativa o de instrucción, como de ejecución, cautelar, actos de conciliación o jurisdicción voluntaria, así como en todo tipo de recursos, sean los de carácter ordinario sean los extraordinarios.

My attempt:
Represent the company in or out of court and, thus, appear in court and be a party in a lawsuit with general powers of attorney in legal proceedings as envisaged under Article 25 of the Civil Procedure Act in Spain (Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil), in any manner of jurisdiction, in such procedural steps as are deemed routine, in both the declaratory or pre-hearing stage, and to execute, cautelar, voluntary conciliation or jurisdiction procedures, and in all manner of ordinary or extraordinary remedies.
Proposed translations (English)
5 +2 enforcement
Change log

Oct 16, 2013 14:39: Jessica Noyes changed "Term asked" from "como de ejecución, cautelar," to "como de ejecución"


Lorna O'Donoghue (asker) Oct 16, 2013:
My attempt at translation in both the declaratory or pre-hearing and execution stages, in preventive, voluntary conciliation or jurisdiction procedures, and in all manner of ordinary or extraordinary remedies.

Proposed translations

1 hr



Note added at 4 hrs (2013-10-16 17:54:50 GMT)

como here is and

both.... and enforcement.......
Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans : this is basic legal stuff, found in any commercial dictionary
5 hrs
Thanks AT
agree Lisa Grayson
10 hrs
Thanks Lisa
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks"
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