Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

Ley Rituaria

English translation:

procedural law code

Added to glossary by Sam D (X)
Mar 7, 2002 04:12
23 yrs ago
9 viewers *
Spanish term

ley rituaria

Spanish to English Law/Patents civil action
Quinto Otrosí digo: Que de conformidad con lo establecido en el Art. 231 de la Ley Rituaria Civil ...

I can't find any reference to 'rituario/a' anywhere, and given the (poor) quality of the original document, I assume it's a typo. Can anyone help me with this, even if it's just a guess? TIA
Sleepy Sam

Proposed translations

8 hrs

procedural law code, in parenthesis beside the title

If it appears in capital letters in Spanish, it refers to the written code, but this is the closest equivalent.

Note that there is a Ley Rituaria Civil and a Ley Rituaria Criminal.

Also note that this is not exclusive to Spain, it also exists in some other Spanish-speaking countries.

It is generically used (in lowercase) to refer to the LEC (Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil) and other texts of procedural law, but it antedates them.

"Rituaria" comes from "rito/a" and "ritamente", an archaic adverb meaning "justly" (Moliner).

Lastly, hope it helps. G'night.
Peer comment(s):

agree AndrewBM
54 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks! Your research is always impressive. Although I looked everywhere for references,I was about as awake as Trixie's cat by that point (4.30ish) It's a shame we can't share points, because I liked and used Trixie's response (thanks Trixie) but saw and preferred this one after the translation was out of my hands."
15 mins

law Rituaria/common law?

it is not a typo, but seems to be a name given to a law codex, according to what comes up if it is entered into google search machine, or cf. a search under could it possibly be a name for a common law codex?
Peer comment(s):

disagree Monica Colangelo : Common law es derecho consuetudinario o derecho no escrito. Se trata de Derecho Español.
6 mins
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18 mins

Code of Civil Procedure

I did something I never do: turned to Google, where I found some references and when translated it appeared as "Law
of Civil Procedure" which is actually a word-by-word translation of Ley de Enjuiciamiento civil and is usually translated as Code of Civil Procedure

Nice dreams, sleepy Sam
Peer comment(s):

agree AndrewBM : \
9 hrs
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37 mins

Rituarial Law

Translation: RIPUARIAN LAW

Origin:RIPUARIAN LAW - A code of laws of the Franks, who occupied the country upon the Rhine, the Meuse and Scheldt, who were collectively known by the name Ripuarians, and their laws as Ripuarian law.

Note added at 2002-03-07 04:58:12 (GMT)

Aqui se esta\' usando:
Con todo, no cabe concluir que exista una postura cerrada del Tribunal Supremo en el tema del encuadramiento de los modernos soportes tecnológicos entre los distintos medios de prueba previstos en nuestro Código civil y en nuestra Ley rituaria, y así la equiparación de tales soportes

Note added at 2002-03-07 04:59:33 (GMT)

Sorry about the \"double entry\"
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