Sep 2, 2002 10:54
22 yrs ago
18 viewers *
Spanish term

registro de estado civil y capacidad de las personas

Spanish to English Law/Patents
civil registry?
civil registrar
Proposed translations (English)
5 +2 register of births, marriages and deaths


Nedra Rivera Huntington May 31, 2017:
Registry of Vital Statistics This is what I tend to use for the office.

Proposed translations

3 mins

register of births, marriages and deaths

The book is the resgister, the office is the registry (or registry office) and the person is the registrar.
Good luck,
Peer comment(s):

agree MikeGarcia : You keep speaking the truth,Sarah!!!
3 mins
Thanks MIguel
agree jerrie
5 mins
Thanks Jerrie
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "very precise.thank you"
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