Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

actos de Disposición

English translation:

(acts of ) disposition OR disposal

Added to glossary by Annie Robberecht, C. Tr.
Feb 13, 2001 10:56
24 yrs ago
40 viewers *
Spanish term

actos de Disposición

Spanish to English Law/Patents
en relación con las propiedades en España de D....... pueda efectuar todo tipo de actos de Disposición y Administración, y en particular los siguientes:

Proposed translations

31 mins

(acts of ) disposition OR disposal

The company is autonomous and free to conduct business activity, to acquire and dispose with the realized income and to perform acts of disposition of its property.

... acts of disposition of immovable property are not effective towards third persons

registration of acts of disposal (sale, purchase and etc.) of securities

disposition of the property


Internet, TERMIUM

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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!"
3 mins

all kinds of acts to avail of/ to make available

and administer (the properties of D....)
Peer comment(s):

Oso (X)
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13 mins


Found you a bilingual code (side by side--really very convenient!!) that should give you plenty of material for further terminology. Here is the entry for "disposición de acto":


1. Cometen estafa los que, con
ánimo de lucro, utilizaren engaño
bastante para producir error en
otro, induciéndolo a realizar un
acto de disposición en perjuicio
propio o ajeno.


1. The people who commit
swindling are those who, with the
intention to make a profit, use
deception sufficient to induce
another person to erroneously
make a disposition that causes loss
to himself/herself or to another

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20 mins

Actions of disposal of property

La traducción sería: "Actions of disposal or property"

Regarding D's properties in Spain ... so that he/she may perform any kind of disposal or administration acts, particularly the following:

Good luck!

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