This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Oct 28, 2017 18:25
6 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Spanish term

Negro de humo de hornos

Spanish to English Art/Literary Law: Taxation & Customs Tariff lists
This appears in an alphabetical list with no further context. I suppose it's a shade, and thought it must be "smoke black", but I don't see where the "de hornos" bit fits in.

"Negro de acetileno.
Negro de humo de hornos.


Marie Wilson Oct 29, 2017:
Agree with Helena I found the same thing yesterday but then I saw the question had been closed.
Helena Chavarria Oct 29, 2017:
I don't think it's necessary. If anyone looks for the term in the future, they'll probably find this discussion and the translation ;-)

I always prefer to work with the Term Search, that way I find glossary entries, KudoZ, KOG and Wikiwords.

Anyway, it's your query and you're the boss ;-)
neilmac (asker) Oct 29, 2017:
Perhaps ... I should re-post the query?
Helena Chavarria Oct 29, 2017:
Noir de carbone formerly noir de fumée Le noir de carbone, aussi appelé noir de fourneau, noir thermique, noir au tunnel, noir d'acétylène, ou autrefois noir de fumée ou noir de lampe, est une des formes amorphe et élémentaire du carbone;
Helena Chavarria Oct 29, 2017:
@Neil I'm practically convinced (confidence level of 4) that negro de humos = noir de fumée = carbon black.

'Negro de humo de hornos' is 'furnace black'. The different types of black are substances that look like soot.
neilmac (asker) Oct 29, 2017:
@Helena Interesting. However, if it's "noir de fumée", I think it would be "smoke black". I'll wait and see what the client says about it. Thanks for posting the refs :)
Helena Chavarria Oct 28, 2017:
@Neil I think it's 'furnace black'.

Carbon black (subtypes are acetylene black, channel black, furnace black, lamp black and thermal black) is a material produced by the incomplete combustion of heavy petroleum products such as FCC tar, coal tar, ethylene cracking tar, and a small amount from vegetable oil.
neilmac (asker) Oct 28, 2017:
Found it in French Noir de fumée -> which is assume is "smoke black" with no mention of "de hornos", so I'll close the question. Sorry folks.

Reference comments

19 mins

El negro de humo es otra materia petroquímica. Básicamente es carbón puro con una estructura muy semejante a la del grafito.

El tamaño de las partículas en el negro de humo es lo que determina su valor. Entre más pequeñas sean, más caro será el producto. Varían desde 10 hasta 500 mm (milésima parte de una micra que a su vez es la milésima parte de un milímetro).

Existen tres procesos generales para fabricar industrialmente el negro de humo, que son los siguientes; proceso de canal, proceso de horno y proceso térmico.

Furnace Black Process

This method forms carbon black by blowing petroleum oil or coal oil as raw material (feedstock oil) into high-temperature gases to combust them partially. This method is suitable for mass production due to its high yield, and allows wide control over its properties such as particle size or structure. This is currently the most common method used for manufacturing carbon black for various applications from rubber reinforcement to coloring.

Acetylene Black Process

This process obtains carbon black by thermally decomposing acetylene gas. It provides carbon black with higher structures and higher crystallinity, and is mainly used for electric conductive agents.

Note added at 1 hr (2017-10-28 19:46:23 GMT)

El negro de humo es un material inorgánico y coloidal producido por la combustión incompleta de gas natural gas u otros productos del petróleo. También se conoce como negro de hollín, negro de carbón, negro de acetileno, negro de lámpara, negro de horno, negro de canal, negro térmico o negro de gas dependiendo del proceso que lo produce. El negro de humo es fabricado por cierta forma de combustión que permite que la flama choque sobre una superficie fría, dejando un residuo negro. Este residuo se recolecta posteriormente como negro de carbón.

Carbon black is an inorganic, colloidal material produced by the incomplete combustion of natural gas or other petroleum products. It may also be known as lamp black, furnace black, acetylene black, channel black, thermal black or gas black depending on the process that produces it. Carbon black is manufactured by some form of combustion that allows the flame to impinge on a cool surface, leaving a black residue. This residue is then collected as carbon black.

1 International Carbon Black Association (Asociación Internacional de Negro de Humo)

Two carbon black manufacturing processes (furnace black and thermal black) produce nearly all of the world's carbon blacks, with the furnace black process being the most common.
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