Feb 18, 2011 12:04
14 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Spanish term

Yo soy callejero

Homework / test Spanish to English Other Linguistics
¡Hola a todos/as!
Me gustaría saber si alguien me puede dar el equivalente en inglés del término en castellano "callejero" (referido a una persona).

Hi everyone!
I would like to know if someone can give me the English equivalent of the Spanish term "callejero" (referred to a person).
Thanks you!
Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 I'm more of a street person
4 +1 I am street-smart
2 +2 I'm a wanderer
3 always out and about
Change log

Feb 18, 2011 12:10: Travelin Ann changed "Term asked" from "\"Yo soy callejero.\"" to "Yo soy callejero"


Giniguini Feb 20, 2011:
Context hi! thanks for answer :)
the context is about an interview:

A: Lo metemos en Operación Triunfo, ¿cuánto tiempo cree que duraría?
B: [Ríe] Tres segundos. Yo no soy de academias. Yo soy callejero.
Muriel Vasconcellos (X) Feb 18, 2011:
Equivalent to Portuguese "rueiro" http://www.wordreference.com/ptes/rueiro
My Brazilian husband used to say this about himself, and he meant that he liked to get out and be in the streets, people-watch, window-shop, hang out chatting with people (common in Latin countries but not so much in the US because of laws about on loitering), etc. It's the opposite of staying at home.
Lisa McCarthy Feb 18, 2011:
Hi Giniguini Can you please give us more context if you have it? A few sentences before and after perhaps?

Proposed translations

1 day 13 hrs

I'm more of a street person

Context is everything! Now that we have the rest of the context, it's clear that the meaning implies street smarts, but that's not the central meaning of the expression. My answer above preserves the same ambiguity in English.
Peer comment(s):

agree Shannon Morales : Yes! Or maybe "a man of the streets" as another option.
42 mins
Thanks Shannon! That would work, too.
agree Giniguini : thank you!
11 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
8 mins

I am street-smart

Or maybe "street-savvy"
Peer comment(s):

agree eski : Perfect! eski
4 hrs
neutral Muriel Vasconcellos (X) : This is not my understanding of the term at all. It's a person who is out on the street going places, hanging out, etc., instead of a stay-at-home.
10 hrs
neutral Giniguini : hi! thanks for answer :) the context is about an interview: A: Lo metemos en Operación Triunfo, ¿cuánto tiempo cree que duraría? B: [Ríe] Tres segundos. Yo no soy de academias. Yo soy callejero.
1 day 12 hrs
Then what about "I was educated on the street."?
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34 mins

I'm a wanderer

Given the lack of context this is merely an educated guess.

From the RAE:

2. adj. Que gusta de callejear.


1. intr. Andar frecuentemente y sin necesidad de calle en calle.

Peer comment(s):

agree eski : Claro que también vale! Saludos: eski
3 hrs
agree Phoebe Anne
6 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 hr

always out and about

My understanding is it's the opposite of a homebody, so this might work. Not a noun, but more of a description...
Peer comment(s):

agree Muriel Vasconcellos (X) : My understanding, too. Always out doing something.
9 hrs
Thanks, Muriel!
disagree Giniguini : hi! thanks for answer :) the context is about an interview: A: Lo metemos en Operación Triunfo, ¿cuánto tiempo cree que duraría? B: [Ríe] Tres segundos. Yo no soy de academias. Yo soy callejero.
1 day 11 hrs
Thanks for the context! Yes, something along the lines of "street-smart" would fit this context better. (Context is CRUCIAL!)
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