Dec 15, 2004 19:07
20 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Spanish term

detener momentáneamente

Spanish to English Tech/Engineering Mechanics / Mech Engineering Meeting minutes
I know that this is an easy question, but I don't remember a short expression for this. The context is as follows:

La reunión se detiene momentáneamente, miestras XXX comenta internamente entre sus pares el tema interferencia y costos.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Proposed translations

2 mins
Spanish term (edited): detener moment�neamente

takes a short recess / break

like this?

Note added at 5 mins (2004-12-15 19:12:42 GMT)

\"There is a short break in the meeting while XXX...\"
\"During a short break in the meeting, XXX...\"
Peer comment(s):

agree Ivannia Garcia
0 min
Muchas gracias, Ivannia
agree Neil Phillipson : better, although, and obviously from the phrase, other, perhaps, more non-offical matters are discussed
3 mins
Yes, the original is a little muddy. One would think that XXX makes the comments DURING the recess, but the original seems to say that the meeting stopped BECAUSE XXX was making the comments
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks everybody for your help. Finally, I used the expression: "There is a short break....""
3 mins
Spanish term (edited): detener moment�neamente

was came to a halt momentarily

One suggestion.

Note added at 3 mins (2004-12-15 19:11:11 GMT)

Scratch that \"was\"!
Something went wrong...
3 mins
Spanish term (edited): detener moment�neamente

is held up for a moment, brief period of time, momentarily

Something went wrong...
4 mins
Spanish term (edited): detener moment�neamente

pauses/stops/halts momentarily

another option
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4 mins
Spanish term (edited): detener moment�neamente

the meeting is momentarily interrupted/stopped

Something went wrong...
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