Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

Personal facultativo

English translation:

Medical staff

Added to glossary by Eileen Brophy
Jan 29, 2007 00:04
18 yrs ago
18 viewers *
Spanish term

Personal facultativo

Spanish to English Other Medical (general)
Aparece varias veces en la web de un hospital. ¿Hay una traducción establecida?

Proposed translations

26 mins

Medical staff

This what it usually refers to.
Peer comment(s):

agree Joseph Tein : "Medical staff" es más específico que "Professional staff" El DRAE dice que 'facultativo' = Perteneciente o relativo al médico.
3 hrs
agree Victoria Lorenzo
4 hrs
agree Alba Mora
4 hrs
agree nelpear (X) : this is the right choice
9 hrs
agree Noni Gilbert Riley
9 hrs
agree Hardy Moreno : De acuerdo
13 hrs
agree kironne
16 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!"
7 mins

professional staff

The term refers to doctors, nurses, etc. All of them professionals in their own fields.
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30 mins

authorized personel

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4 hrs

Clinical staff

También podría ser esto, si es que se trata no solamente de los médicos sino que otro personal que cuida los pacientes dentro del hospital.
Example sentence:

"Clinical Staff Directory. University Health Service has a fully licensed medical staff of medical doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and ... "

Peer comment(s):

agree David Brown : I prefer "clinical"
9 hrs
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