Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

Medicamentalización de la sociedad

English translation:

(Increasing) medicalisation/medicalization of society

Added to glossary by Rachel Fell
Feb 2, 2007 21:01
17 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Spanish term

Medicamentalización de la sociedad

Spanish to English Medical Medical (general) concept
as a reason for the increase in health expenditure - my idea so far is
(the) Public’s increasing expectation that there’s a drug for everything

my admittedly brief look at the web didn't have anything like this, so I'd appreciate others' views


Rachel Fell (asker) Feb 4, 2007:
found this: "My view is that this is a public service. We are progressing towards an increasing medicalisation of society, where every social ill is amenable to therapeutic intervention..."
Rachel Fell (asker) Feb 3, 2007:
Thanks for all your help on this!
liz askew Feb 3, 2007:
"Medicalisation": See these refs:

I think the first one to use the concept "medicalization" as a major
problem was Ivan Ilich. And in my experience with rational use of
drugs, we often use the concept Pharmaceuticalization
(medicamentalizacion in spanish) as an extension. I think that the
primary hypothesis of Ilich, the subordination of the individual needs
to the industrialization needs, is basically correct. All of us who work
in rational use of drugs have a "classic" base in "Medical Nemesis"

Nevertheless if pharmaceuticalization is a structural problem, I feel
that we are only making "cosmetic" efforts against it (in other words
we try to correct the industrial deviations, specially in promotion, but
never discuss the industrialization model). I don't have any specific
proposal. But I certainly like a philosophical discussion about this
matter and invite all of you to write.

By the way, this week someone told me that Ilich still lives in
Cuernavaca, Mexico. Can anyone confirm this? - medical research & development
The concept of medicalisation is attributed to Ivan Illich, who first wrote on the ... In the case of pharmaceutical companies the problem is less personal. ... - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

Rachel Fell (asker) Feb 2, 2007:
Thank you, I've already changed my view of the meaning

Proposed translations

19 mins


The medicalisation of society.


Note added at 26 mins (2007-02-02 21:28:14 GMT)

Finding or using a drug for every perceived complaint or behavioural problem when there may be other alternatives.
Peer comment(s):

agree liz askew
23 hrs
Thank you, Liz.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you - I have used this"
14 mins

over medication/over medicating / over use of medication

More context would help but based on what you have said it sounds like the idea of societal over medication/ over medication of the (general) population/ over medicating the (general) population. Over use of medication might also be an option.

Lady Gouldian Finch .com - Fostering
... true that they have been bred over the years to improve the stock ... By constantly medicating the Society Finches, you are also medicating the chicks. - 15k - Cached - More from this site
Example sentence:

Bad moods linked to asthmatics over medicating

Are We Over Medicating Our Children?

Note from asker:
Thank you Chiiquipaisa:)
Peer comment(s):

agree Myriam S : yes, also medication dependency or a society chemically dependent
1 hr
Thanks Myriam.
agree Lydia De Jorge
7 hrs
Thanks Lydia.
Something went wrong...
25 mins


This simply refers to the medicating of Society in general- NOT over-medicating. The idea is that Society in general is medicated these days, whether necessary or not. That in itself implies overmedication, yet not int he sense of exceeding recommended dosage, but rather exceeding the actually need for medications. The word is used i in the same concept as the "Americanization" of Society, or the "Germanizing" of the Spanish energy market, etc., etc.,
Example sentence:

The technological advance in mood.-altering drugs and their often seemingly easy solution to difficult problems, has led to the medicating of Society in general.

Note from asker:
Thank you Heather - I liked this answer too:)
Peer comment(s):

agree Laura Molina : say, fast and easy public access to and use of medications with or without professional control
12 mins
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31 mins

medicalization of society

[DOC] The Medicalization of SocietyFormato de archivo: Microsoft Word - Versión en HTML
This process has been termed the medicalization of society. We will examine core theoretical and empirical texts that examine this issue, especially the ... -

I think the first one to use the concept "medicalization" as a major
problem was Ivan Ilich. And in my experience with rational use of
drugs, we often use the concept Pharmaceuticalization
(medicamentalizacion in spanish) as an extension. I think that the
primary hypothesis of Ilich, the subordination of the individual needs
to the industrialization needs, is basically correct. All of us who work
in rational use of drugs have a "classic" base in "Medical Nemesis"

Public Discourse concerning the new genetics. Medicalization of Society. ... Writing a book, The Medicalization of Society, on origins & consequences of the ... - 8k

The medicalization of society: is there a way to turn back? Abernethy V, Ford CV, Meador C, Sloan FA, Sharfstein SS.MeSH Terms Depressive Disorder/therapy ...

Note from asker:
Thank you Maria:)
Peer comment(s):

agree Sonia Iujvidin
18 mins
Gracias, Sonia!
agree Barbara Cochran, MFA
4 hrs
Gracias, femme!
agree Alba Mora
10 hrs
Gracias, Alba!
Something went wrong...
1 day 13 hrs

Mass drugging of society

To put it bluntly.....
Other experts are equally appalled over the tactics used in the mass drugging of society. There is nothing more despicable than a physician who knowingly ... - 33k

xxxxx is rightly alarmed about the direction we are moving with this drugging of society: “I can only note here the strangeness of this new marketing of xxx .. - 42k
Note from asker:
Thank you David, though this went a bit further than the text was meaning:)
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