Jul 10, 2007 18:06
17 yrs ago
21 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Medical Medical (general)
From an upper lip biopsy

1. Es un huso de piel que mide 2.8 x 1.0 cms, en cuya superficie se observa un área de cicatriz de 0.9 cm....
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 Spindle
5 +2 ellipse
5 spindle-shaped skin

Proposed translations

3 mins


I asked this to a doctor.
Peer comment(s):

agree Vepalm : Here also: http://www.babylon.com/definition/spindle/Spanish
5 hrs
Thank you!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Gracias Giovany"
1 hr

spindle-shaped skin

Así lo decimos en Medicina.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Fulltext: Volume 106(4 ...- [ Traduzca esta página ]In the field of plastic surgery, dog-ear deformation after skin resection has been reported to be reduced by performing the most basic spindle-shaped skin ...
www.plasreconsurg.com/pt/re/prs/fulltext.00006534-200009040... - Páginas similares

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Fulltext: Volume 109(3) March ...- [ Traduzca esta página ]If necessary, we perform a spindle-shaped skin resection in the inferior quadrants. We hope that this useful modification helps the inframammary approach ...
www.plasreconsurg.com/pt/re/prs/fulltext.00006534-200203000... - Páginas similares

Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery : A case of ...- [ Traduzca esta página ]Spindle-shaped skin above the tumour was removed because of dermal adhesion of the tumour. Its surface looked smooth, and a reddish-brown substance was ...
http://www.linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S17486815050... - Páginas similares

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2 hrs



Note added at 2 hrs (2007-07-10 20:23:46 GMT)


Next, the doctor will probably (but not always) draw out the area that needs to be removed. The best shape for a cut is an 'ellipse', although actually it's not a true ellipse because it is pointy at both ends. This shape allows for the best healing. Usually the ellipse will be about 3 or 4 times as long as it is wide.

Note added at 13 hrs (2007-07-11 07:39:02 GMT)

This is the classic shape for a skin biopsy.

Note added at 11 days (2007-07-21 19:56:16 GMT) Post-grading

Of course a dictionary translation from someone who has no medical knowledge is preferable.
Note from asker:
My apologies. My recent research shows that you were correct all along. Too bad selections can't be changed. Thanks anyway!
Peer comment(s):

agree Robert Carter : I've just come across this in one of my translations, your explanation makes the most sense. Thank you, Doctor.
3193 days
agree Dr. Jason Faulkner
4711 days
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