Oct 28, 2003 13:56
21 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Medical
(Another) chest movement

Proposed translations

2 mins
Spanish term (edited): amplexaci�n


amplexation (am·plex·a·tion) (am²plek-sa¢sh[schwa]n) [L. amplexus embrace] treatment of fractured clavicle by an apparatus which fixes the shoulder and embraces the chest and neck.

Peer comment(s):

agree x-Translator (X)
3 hrs
disagree Carlos Umaña : In Spanish it refers to "chest expansion", part of the physical examination. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PA-2WWDhwdo
4664 days
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4 mins
Spanish term (edited): amplexaci�n


En el Diccionario enciclopédico de términos médicos (INTERAMERICANA):

Fijación de la clavícula fracturada mediante un vendaje que inmobilice el cuello y el hombro.

Viene de amplexus, abrazo, quizá por la forma como queda inmovilizado el brazo sobre el pecho.

Espero que tenga sentido en tu contexto,

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