Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

se ataca

English translation:


Added to glossary by Lisa McCarthy
May 16, 2013 09:33
11 yrs ago
Spanish term

se araba

Spanish to English Art/Literary Music review of a pianist
Para muchos aficionados va a ser inevitable asociar el primero de los Conciertos para piano de Chopin con la intérprete española Judith Jáuregui. La pianista vasca destiló la juventud, técnica y emoción que atesora esta página concertante. Versión inolvidable, donde el equilibrio se impuso frente a las exageraciones dramáticas con la que a veces **se araba** la obra. Tras la extensa y algo fría introducción, Jáuregui desnudó los dos temas del primer movimiento, para enfrentarse con serenidad al conmovedor movimiento central, un caballo de batalla para cualquier solista puesto que exige a la mano izquierda una cadencia sostenida mientras que la derecha se inspira en el bel canto beliniano. Finalmente, los aires danzantes del rondó conclusivo pusieron a prueba la agilidad y virtuosismo de esta completísima intérprete.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +3 Typo? is handled/that strike
3 interspersed
3 is recorded


Esmeralda Gómez May 16, 2013:
maybe a typo: alaba: "se alaba la obra" as praise
Helena Chavarria May 16, 2013:
That's great! I'm writing from my phone but I just wanted to say 'Well done' :)
Charles Davis May 16, 2013:
Case closed Ion has just posted a link to the original review, and it reads "ataca". So that's that.
Charles Davis May 16, 2013:
I would also say that if we are going to assume there's a typo, the safest thing to do is normally to assume the minimum difference that makes good sense. That's why I suggested "graba", because if "graba" is scanned and the tail of the g is indistinct, it ends up as "araba".
Charles Davis May 16, 2013:
By all means let's try to make sense of "araba", but even if there is a sense of "arar" that fits, I can't understand why it should be imperfect: "the dramatic exaggerations with which it was sometimes ________ed". That would refer to the way it sometimes used to be played, but from the context it surely refers to the way it sometimes is played, as compared with the way this pianist played it on this occasion.
sleslie23 May 16, 2013:
Arabar is the basque name for Álava Since this is an article about a Basque musician, the author may be using "se araba" to refer to a regional style from Álava.Álava
Helena Chavarria May 16, 2013:
I think it's used in a figurative sense as in 'labrar un futuro': cultivate, prepare, etc. I can only think of 'flow through' but I imagine the dramatic moments only appear now and again.
Andrés Martínez May 16, 2013:
Se pretendía ornar/adornar la obra con poco aciert pretendía ornar/adornar/enriquecer la obra (con poco acierto).

Eso entiendo yo como significado de arar en este contexto. Quede claro que no es mi especialidad.

Proposed translations

31 mins

Typo? is handled/that strike

Could this be a typo? I've found this:

"Versión inolvidable, donde el equilibrio se impuso frente a las exageraciones dramáticas con la que a veces se @@ataca@@ la obra."

If that's the case "is handled/that strike" could be an option.


5. tr. acometer (‖ decidirse a una acción o empezar a ejecutarla). Ataqué directamente el tema de la lección siete.
11. tr. Empezar a ejecutar una composición musical.
12. tr. Mús. Producir un sonido por medio de un golpe seco y fuerte para que se destaque.

Note added at 42 mins (2013-05-16 10:16:39 GMT)

Beginning of the same article:

"Algo más de media entrada acogió el doceavo abono de la OFM. Concierto esperado no sólo por las obras en programa, Chopin y Sibelius, sino también por el debut con la OFM de la joven pianista vasca Judith Jáuregui, quien @@atacó@@ con soltura y una inusitada madurez técnica el primero de los conciertos de Chopin"
Note from asker:
Well detected, Ion :)
Peer comment(s):

agree sleslie23
18 mins
Thanks, sleslie!
agree Charles Davis : Tenías que haber citado este mismo pasaje en la reseña: "las exageraciones dramáticas con la que a veces se ataca la obra". Inapelable. ¡Qué intuición más buena la tuya! Translation could be simply "attacked", or "tackled".
28 mins
Muchas gracias, Charles : ) ¡Lo que nos puede llegar a marear a veces una errata!
agree Helena Chavarria
48 mins
Thanks, Helena!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, Ion!"
42 mins


To my mind the idea is that the music is like running water whose balance is occasionally broken up/interrupted by the 'exageraciones dramaticas'. RAE: arar 3. tr. Ir o caminar por un fluido rompiéndolo o cortándolo. While I am happy with the idea, I am not so happy with how to say it nicely in English.

the dramatic exaggerations which occasionally interrupt the work?
the dramatic exaggerations interspersed throughout the work?
the dramatic exaggerations with which the work is occasionally broken up?
Something went wrong...
18 mins

is recorded

I don't like to assume a typo if there is any way it could make sense as it stands, and I wouldn't put it past this critic to invent a verb "arabar" from "arabesque", meaning something like "adorn", but I really think that's too far-fetched, and that this is almost certainly a typo for "se graba". (It can hardly mean "was ploughed!)

Note added at 1 hr (2013-05-16 10:33:46 GMT)

Ion has just found the original review, and it says "ataca", so that's that!
Peer comment(s):

neutral Jane Martin (X) : RAE: 3. tr. Ir o caminar por un fluido rompiéndolo o cortándolo. perhaps?
7 mins
Sorry, Jane, but I just don't buy that. Not only is it a very weird image to use here, but the imperfect tense doesn't fit.
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