Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

beneficencia asistencial

English translation:

welfare system

Added to glossary by Marian Greenfield
Mar 15, 2002 15:09
22 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Spanish term

beneficencia asistencial

Spanish to English Other
"un sistema próximo a la beneficencia asistencial" which actually refers to the regime of Franco.

Proposed translations

7 mins

welfare system

or welfare benefit system (if you prefer)

or even

social benefit system
Peer comment(s):

agree Robert INGLEDEW : Coincido con las tres opciones. Prefiero la primera.
11 mins
agree Henry Hinds
46 mins
agree gabyattol
3 hrs
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I was trying to avoid this answer, as it is repeated many times, but seems I have little choice."
14 mins

patriarchal welfare system

During the Franco period, Spain had established a despotic-corporatist welfare regime. The Franco government had repealed family policy reforms undertaken by the popular front government in the 1930s. This was done in an attempt to strengthen the traditional family. Support of patriarchy led to financial aid for married couples, benefits for wives who did not work outside the home, maternity benefits, child benefits, and birth awards to reward large families. The focus on child benefits and family salary reinforced the idea that married women were subordinate to men and the woman's place was in the home. In addition to these benefits, there was also family tax relief. In 1973, the recession led to cutbacks in family benefits. The Franoist regime, however, was strongly patriarchal, and in favor of family values. As a result of these beliefs, maternity and single parent benefits are, even today, among the lowest in the European Union.

Peer comment(s):

agree Maria-Jose Pastor : I personally know the family who for years won the largest family award.
1 day 10 hrs
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1 day 23 hrs

social security

just a guess.
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