Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

Firmar una asociación los pasos:

English translation:

Form an association to take the necessary steps:

Added to glossary by Richard Hill
Aug 25, 2012 20:48
12 yrs ago
Spanish term

Firmar una asociación los pasos:

Spanish to English Other Other
Hi, I am having a difficult time understanding this phrase. This is from an application for funding of an educational project. The question being responded to is:

En caso sea relevante, ¿qué se está haciendo para prepararse para el eventual retiro de su organización?
(Por ejemplo, reforzar las habilidades de las contrapartes locales; cubrir gastos corrientes etc.)

The full statement that I have taken the phrase from is:

Firmar una asociación los pasos: contactos personales, involucramiento a través de talleres a las familias de los adolescentes.

Thank you in advance for your help
Change log

Aug 30, 2012 13:25: Richard Hill Created KOG entry


neilmac Aug 26, 2012:
"Firmar" is sometimes used meaning "agree" in the sense of "sign up to" (join) a group or org (already existing), similar to "formar", meaning to set up (form) something. The "los pasos vs Los Pasos" part remains unclear to me.
Patricia Bower (asker) Aug 25, 2012:
Agreed. I am fining many typing errors most of which I have been able to work through.
lorenab23 Aug 25, 2012:
I am wondering If maybe it should be two sentences?
Formar una asociación
los pasos:
1) contactos personales
2) involucramiento...
I really think that the best thing here is to ask the client (if you don't have to turn it in on Monday). All we can offer here are "educated" guesses since the sentence does not make a lot of sense

Proposed translations

34 mins

Form an association to take the necessary steps:

Just guessing that "firmar" is a typo and should be "formar"?
Otherwise could "endorse" work?
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks "
47 mins

Set up/Establish a "Los Pasos" association

Depending on the country, could this have anything to do with the religious charitable organisation?

Asociacion Cultural los Pasos Jaénén/Frailes/Asociacion Cultural los.../3... caché
Has publicado que a ti también te gusta esto. Deshacer
La asociacción «Asociacion Cultural los Pasos» se encuentra en el municipio de Frailes (Plaza Parroco Fco Callejas). El municipio Frailes (que está a una ...
ASOCIACION CULTURAL LOS PASOS - Asociar publicado que a ti también te gusta esto. Deshacer
La Asoción de los Pasos prepara una exposición fotográfica para el ... ...En caché
Has publicado que a ti también te gusta esto. Deshacer
29 Mar 2011 – La Asociación Cultural Los Pasos realizará los días 3 y 4 de abril un ... La Asociación nació en el año 2000 con la idea de recuperar la ...
Cultura y ocio - Portal Emprendedora caché
Has publicado que a ti también te gusta esto. Deshacer
Asociación Cultural Baños Ardales Baños de Ardales s/n. Asociación Cultural Los Pasos Pl. Párroco Francisco Callejas (Salones del Centro Parroquial) ...
“Los Pasos” consagra una fiel década de Pasión | Frailespático

Note added at 48 mins (2012-08-25 21:36:38 GMT)

Or perhaps "join" would be better.

Note added at 1 hr (2012-08-25 22:38:12 GMT)

Aha! So this may be it...
Note from asker:
It is a request for funding from the Sisters of the Assumption, so yes it is a religious org.
Something went wrong...
10 hrs

"in stages" meaning "in the following way"

1. Could "firmar"" be a misprint for "formar" as in "formar un equipo"?

Then you might have :
Form (create) a group in steps/stages,using personal contacts to involve the families of teenagers through workshops.

You really want more context. Can you ask the client to clarify context? Again, this is in the nature of a geuss a stab in the dark.

Note added at 11 hrs (2012-08-26 07:49:10 GMT)

"geuss" is of course a typo for "guess"
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