Aug 22, 2005 13:19
19 yrs ago
Spanish term

ganan los mismos

Non-PRO Spanish to English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature
Vente, quien no siente miente
frente a sí mismo se pierde
-puede que nunca me diera más cuenta-
a cámara siempre se ve
Imagínate! Imagínate!
Este es un tiempo propicio pa la modestia
como el sol dá luz al día, fuerza y claridad se manifiestan
sin importar latitud, altitud, época del año
cambia moneda, ganan los mismos, ver cada día otro engaño.

Just "winning the same"? Or is there a deeper idomatic meaning here?

Discussion Aug 22, 2005:
Disregard first stanza Got pasted in by accident... this starts at "Este es un tiempo," disregard all up to Imaginate!

Proposed translations

23 mins

it's always the same old story

the frase before it expresses the same feeling
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks, went with... money changes hands, the winners stay the same"
16 mins


I would say tht the idea is that the winners are always the same.
Peer comment(s):

agree Heidi C : this is the meaning of the phrase!!! the same ones always win
5 hrs
gracias Heidi
agree Claudia Luque Bedregal
11 hrs
gracias clb
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37 mins

the players are different, the tune (or the music) is the same

me parece que se adecúa porque primero dice: cambia la moneda, ganan los mismos...

una sugerencia,

Note added at 39 mins (2005-08-22 13:58:49 GMT)

... live another day for a new lie
Peer comment(s):

agree Heidi C : me gusta la forma en la que encontraste imágenes paralelas para el poema
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
49 mins

any gain is pocketed by the same

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2 days 5 hrs

always the same winners

expression meaning the more it changes the more it stays the same
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