Oct 25, 2011 00:28
13 yrs ago
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Spanish term


Spanish to English Science Science (general) Science occupations
Excerpt from book entitled Apicultura o tratado de las abejas y sus labores. Author Ignacio Redondo, writing in 1876, describes how he first became interested in beekeeping. However, before discussing himself, he first starts out by relating how children develop interests that might one day lead to their choosing certain occupations over others. Of those interested in science, he says,

"Estos últimos, además de la aficion que toman a la lectura y con el ejemplo que reciben de las personas que están a su lado, con la predisposicion natural y especial, pueden en lo sucesivo con facilidad pueden ser buenos , matemáticos, o filosóficos."

I checked my bilingual Gran Diccionario Oxford and my monolingual RAE publication, Diccionario de la Lengua Española for the mystery word. No luck. Does anyone have any ideas? I think the book was originally published in a South American country but i don't remember for sure which one.


Richard Hill Oct 26, 2011:
Change your mind! Zoom in on Lorena's link http://www.archive.org/stream/apiculturatrata00unkngoog#page...
and study the first two letters ""te" (not "ic"), compare them with other t's, e's, i's and c's. The t and e are faint but they are the right shape. Look at the 90° angle at 3 o'clock on the "e", then have a cup of tea at five past three and change your decision to theologian :)
DLyons Oct 26, 2011:
Not icologist! There are exactly 5 English words of the form ic*ology which would have existed at that time. These are:

I don't think any are very likely. He was a priest so Theology would have been part of his mindset and it fits with the broad categories of "matemáticos, o filosóficos".

I'd be very wary about going back to a client with your suggestion.

P.S. Even "iconologist" would have been used in a quite literal way as someone who studied ikons.
Cynthia Coan (asker) Oct 26, 2011:
icologist(s) I've decided to go with "icologist(s)," which as far as I've been able to determine seems to be a broad term that can apply to research and researchers in a potentially wide variety of fields. However, I'd be happy to hear from anyone who can offer a more precise definition of the English term.
Cynthia Coan (asker) Oct 26, 2011:
Further "icólogo" research Thanks, David B., for the info. on author Ignacio Redondo. I knew he was a physician-surgeon but not where he was from. As for whether "icólogo" could be a typo for "sicólogo," etc., that possibility occurred to me, but I'm still reluctant to abandon the possibility that "icólogo" is fact the proper form of the word. Just for fun, I decided to look up the more English-sounding words "icology/icologist," and among other things I found the following site that might be of interest: http://www.icology.co.uk/researchteam.html.
David Brown Oct 26, 2011:
icologo By the way he was a physician-surgeon from Madrid region
David Brown Oct 26, 2011:
"icologo" Could be "iconologo" -iconologist
iconology - definition of iconology by the Free Online Dictionary ...
i·co·nol·o·gy ( k -n l -j ). n. The branch of art history that deals with the description, analysis, and interpretation of icons or iconic representations
lorenab23 Oct 25, 2011:
@ Benjamin & Rich Thank you so much, I have posted it as an answer.
Benjamin A Flores Oct 25, 2011:
@lorenab23 Lorena you need to post your suggestion.
liz askew Oct 25, 2011:
@Benjamin...well found, I couldn't find the Sp text by this author:)
Richard Hill Oct 25, 2011:
Animo Lorena! "theologians" needs posting!
neilmac Oct 25, 2011:
A fine example of why I don't do scanned PDFs, unless of course the client is willing to stump up a ridiculous amount for the privilege.
Benjamin A Flores Oct 25, 2011:
teólogo it is in thie version it is even worst http://www.google.com.sv/search?gcx=c&ix=c1&sourceid=chrome&...
but I do believe the OCR missed the Teólogo. Post your answer
Richard Hill Oct 25, 2011:
teólogo Well spotted Lorena. I zoomed in on your references and you're spot on.
lorenab23 Oct 25, 2011:
Hi Cynthia I am looking at the book here and I am wondering if it is not teólogo,

Look at this other scanned document where the word teólogo appears and it seems to me that it looks pretty similar...
lorenab23 Oct 25, 2011:
Hi Cynthia Just to let you know that anything you put between <> becomes invisible... If you look at your posting you will see that where the word " icólogo" should be there is nothing...hope it helps you for future reference :-)

Proposed translations

14 hrs

teólogo = theologian

Please see discussion...
Peer comment(s):

agree DLyons : Seems the most likely answer.
1 min
Thank you, thank you Mr D.
agree Benjamin A Flores : no question about it, back in the 18 century it was an honorable profession!
30 mins
Gracias Benjamin, un abrazo :-) The date was an important clue
agree Richard Hill
41 mins
Gracias rich, un abrazo :-)
agree Raquel Zyserman
1 day 20 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
1 hr


One of a few possible typos - the others are Theologian (already suggested), Biologist, Geologist.

Lucky the book is as early as 1876, otherwise it's be a longer list.
Something went wrong...
8 hrs


I think it is a typo
Peer comment(s):

neutral DLyons : Could be - the word was in use around then. More likely than ichthyologist but less likely than Theologian?
3 hrs
neutral Benjamin A Flores : 1876? I´d go fo Teólogo, and anyway, the book is about Apiculture, he is just providing background.
5 hrs
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