Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

carta gantt

English translation:

Gantt chart

Aug 21, 2005 06:09
19 yrs ago
Spanish term

carta gantt

Spanish to English Bus/Financial Telecom(munications) Industria de tel�fonos m�viles
supongo que es algún formato para agregar datos y analizarlos, pero no me suena en inglés, y no se me ha ocurrido nada... El fragmento va así:

"Se generó Carta Gantt del proyecto."

¡Gracias de antemano!
Proposed translations (English)
5 +5 Gantt chart


You're welcome, John! :) I only asked because I thought it was an acronym (and I'm a sucker for acronyms :P). No, really, I figured it would be of great help to find a complete definition when browsing the glossaries... Have a nice Sunday! :D Aug 21, 2005:
Thanks M�Tere for requesting a definition!! Aug 21, 2005:
Definition "A Gantt Chart (named for Henry Laurence Gantt) consists of a table of project task information and a bar chart that graphically displays project schedule, depicting progress in relation to time and often used in planning and tracking a project."
So... would those in the know tell us who don't know, what this means so we'll know? :P Digo, pa' que entre en los glosarios qu� significa Gantt. �Son las siglas de algo? Gracias :D

Proposed translations

5 mins

Gantt chart

I know this from experience - no dicc. references this time! :)

Note added at 2005-08-21 14:51:28 (GMT) Post-grading


- A plan, sketch, drawing, or outline designed to demonstrate or explain how something works or to clarify the relationship between the parts of a whole.

- Mathematics. A graphic representation of an algebraic or geometric relationship.

- A chart or graph.
Peer comment(s):

agree Henry Hinds : I also learned what this was in Chile.
9 mins
Gracias, Henry. ¡VIVA CHILE! y salú!!!
neutral Xavier Fitó : And what is it a Gantt Diagram?? Into Engineer Projects we use "Gantt Diagram"
2 hrs
You can see the definition above, in the note the asker added. Besides, a diagram is a chart and a chart is a diagram ;0)
agree Cecilia Della Croce
3 hrs
Gracias, Ceci
agree Rachel Fell : Gantt chart in UK - and
3 hrs
Thank you, Rachel
agree Philippe Maillard
4 hrs
Thanks, Philippe
agree Marina Soldati
8 hrs
Gracias, Marina
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Mª Eugenia!!! I just confirmed your translation. I was tired, my "out of dictionary" research was going nowhere!! "
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