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omega-t memory tmx
Thread poster: alin33
Didier Briel
Didier Briel  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:03
English to French
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No need to import, just copy glossary files in the folder Jan 19, 2015

alin33 wrote:
Hi,I have another question about the glossary folder,Is there an option in omega-t to import glossaries into that folder and where can I find them?

There's no need to "import". Just copy your glossary files (in the right format) in the glossary folder.

Accepted formats are 3-column text files separated by a tabulation or a comma (CSV) and TBX files.


glossaries for omega-t Jan 19, 2015

Is there places that I can download already made glossries or I should create my own glossaries during the translation?

Didier Briel
Didier Briel  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:03
English to French
+ ...
Most of the times, you have to create your own glossaries Jan 19, 2015

alin33 wrote:
Is there places that I can download already made glossries or I should create my own glossaries during the translation?

Although you can sometimes find existing glossaries (for instance, in open-source projects, or the Microsoft one), most of the time you have to create your own glossaries (or used one supplied by the client).


German to Turkish
+ ...
Omegat and TMX management Apr 20, 2015

Dear colleagues,

As a newcomer in the forum I would like to ask the following questions:

1 - Does one have to always change the language direction of a TM file, when translating with OmegaT? In other words, should one transform an EN-TR *.tmx file into a TR-EN *.tmx file in order to use it when translating a document from Turkish to English?

2 - I'd like to ask the same question regarding the usage of glossary files: does one have to change the language
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Dear colleagues,

As a newcomer in the forum I would like to ask the following questions:

1 - Does one have to always change the language direction of a TM file, when translating with OmegaT? In other words, should one transform an EN-TR *.tmx file into a TR-EN *.tmx file in order to use it when translating a document from Turkish to English?

2 - I'd like to ask the same question regarding the usage of glossary files: does one have to change the language direction of a glossary file (for example, EN-TR) into the other direction (in this example, TR-EN) when translation in the opposite direction?

Thanks very much in advance for your kind answers!

E. Atak

Didier Briel
Didier Briel  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:03
English to French
+ ...
TMX no, glossary yes Apr 21, 2015

atakee wrote:
1 - Does one have to always change the language direction of a TM file, when translating with OmegaT? In other words, should one transform an EN-TR *.tmx file into a TR-EN *.tmx file in order to use it when translating a document from Turkish to English?

There's no need to change the direction of a TMX in OmegaT: OmegaT automatically picks the translations in the right direction.
That doesn't mean a project works both ways, but a TMX created by a project can be used in another project in the reverse direction.

2 - I'd like to ask the same question regarding the usage of glossary files: does one have to change the language direction of a glossary file (for example, EN-TR) into the other direction (in this example, TR-EN) when translation in the opposite direction?

Text file glossaries have to be reversed manually (generally in a spreadsheet) by switching the first and second column. TBX glossaries are read both ways automatically.


Susan Welsh
Susan Welsh  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:03
Russian to English
+ ...
@RNA Apr 21, 2015

RNAtranslator wrote:

if you didn't sign an NDA that prohibits it, you can also upload the documents to

You hijacked this thread on TMX management. You should re-post this as a new topic.

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omega-t memory tmx

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