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Google’s New Service Translates Languages Almost as Well as Humans Can
Thread poster: Jeff Whittaker
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Merab Dekano
Merab Dekano  Identity Verified
Member (2014)
English to Spanish
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The best part Oct 5, 2016

Tom in London wrote:

Q4: if your Greek surgeon hasn't done a craniotomy before and needs to read up on it, but needs it translated from English into Greek would you be happy for him to just use Google Translate?

Q5: if your Japanese wife/husband files for divorce and claims ownership of the house and full custody of the children, and does so in documents that are all written in Japanese, would you be happy for your lawyer to just run them through Google Translate?

It might be fun with a hot water bottle (see below) but not if you are trying to use a new piece of machinery for the first time and the instructions are all in a foreign language.


Tom: the best part is "temper ature". it sounds so French and lovely...

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 10:48
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Getting into hot water Oct 5, 2016

Merab Dekano wrote:
Tom: the best part is "temper ature". it sounds so French and lovely...

Never has a hot water bottle been so romantic.

Viviane Marx
Viviane Marx  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:48
German to Portuguese
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User Guide Google Smartphone Oct 6, 2016

I'm just wondering if Google Inc. has used Google Translation for the new Smartphone Pixel of their own.

[Editada em 2016-10-06 11:48 GMT]

Kirti Vashee
Kirti Vashee  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 02:48
This claim is quite far from the actual reality of what GNMT can do Oct 8, 2016

This article digs into the details of the Google announcement and provides evidence from their own research of the rather excessive claims they made in all their press announcements. There are many comments from translators at the link as well.

... See more
This article digs into the details of the Google announcement and provides evidence from their own research of the rather excessive claims they made in all their press announcements. There are many comments from translators at the link as well.

If the URL is removed you can easily find it by searching on "Empty Pages blog" and/or "The Google Neural Machine Translation Marketing Deception"

This provides further information on why they are so jubilant but the reality of the actual translation quality produced by the new ZH system is quite telling, as you can see in the link below. Quite a long way from being indistinguishable from human translation.

This URL can be found by searching on "Feedback on the Google Neural MT Deception Post"

Unfortunately, Google will hardly notice these protests since they have gotten a huge amount follow-on applause from these original announcements but many of us in the MT community and translators who understand some MT fundamentals know that this is pretty ridiculous.

Does anybody else think that it is strange, that none of the press and the journalists that are gushing about the "indistinguishable from human translation" quality claimed by Google, did not attempt to run even a single Chinese page through the new super duper GNMT Chinese engine?

This is an article that questions the veracity of these claims by 10 different MT experts and puts them in a more realistic perspective as the announcement is clearly an overstatement of the actual accomplishment in terms of translation quality improvements.

While the sheer scale of the initiative both in terms of training data volume and ability to provide translations to millions of users at production scale is impressive, the actual translation quality results are really not that impressive and certainly do not warrant a claim such as “Nearly Indistinguishable From Human Translation” and “GNMT reduces translation errors by more than 55%-85% on several major language pairs “.

The quality improvement claims based on the human evaluation is where the problem lies. The validity of the evaluation is the biggest question mark about the whole report. This is well known to people in the MT research community so to make the claims they did is disingenuous and even deceptive.

I agree they are doing it on a massive scale but actually, it is surprising that they seem to have gotten so little benefit in translation quality improvement.

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Google’s New Service Translates Languages Almost as Well as Humans Can

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