Agnès Levillayer has earned KudoZ points by translating tough terms for fellow translators. Click a point total to see term translations provided.

KudoZ points
By language pair

Working languages highlighted.
Non-PRO pts in parentheses.
Pair Points
Italian to French (1372) 14057
French to Italian (692) 7017
French (71) 433
Italian (16) 256
English to French (1) 12
English to Italian (4) 12
Spanish to French 4
French to English 4
Italian to Latin 4
Portuguese to French 4
Arabic to Italian 4
French to Turkish 4
German to French 4
Italian to German 4
Italian to English 4

KudoZ points
By field (general)

Working fields highlighted.
Non-PRO pts in parentheses.
General Field Points
Tech/Engineering (503) 8424
Other (742) 6307
Law/Patents (281) 2710
Art/Literary (194) 1492
Bus/Financial (156) 1397
Marketing (108) 721
Medical (70) 365
Science (35) 211
Social Sciences (67) 196

KudoZ points
By field (detailed)

Personal specialities highlighted (if reported).
Non-PRO pts in parentheses.
Detailed Field Points
Other (225) 2638
Mechanics / Mech Engineering (117) 2021
Law (general) (134) 1677
Construction / Civil Engineering (32) 1654
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion (28) 897
Law: Contract(s) (83) 893
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting (67) 639
Finance (general) (80) 617
Automotive / Cars & Trucks (36) 590
Engineering (general) (59) 559
Electronics / Elect Eng (44) 494
Engineering: Industrial (27) 446
Transport / Transportation / Shipping (32) 429
Furniture / Household Appliances (31) 400
Business/Commerce (general) (39) 360
Tourism & Travel (100) 345
Architecture (38) 335
Sports / Fitness / Recreation (32) 331
Cosmetics, Beauty (44) 314
Cooking / Culinary (49) 270
Poetry & Literature (65) 259
Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.) (19) 249
Accounting (19) 224
Ships, Sailing, Maritime (4) 214
Food & Drink (12) 211
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng (16) 210
Insurance (39) 209
Medical (general) (47) 191
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters (35) 171
Marketing (36) 170
Economics (48) 157
Archaeology (14) 154
Linguistics (130) 144
Agriculture (3) 142
Energy / Power Generation (12) 141
Wine / Oenology / Viticulture (14) 122
Metallurgy / Casting (4) 114
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs (8) 101
Education / Pedagogy (12) 100
History (8) 94
Philosophy (3) 94
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. (24) 92
Environment & Ecology 83
Computers: Software (8) 76
Advertising / Public Relations (4) 75
Human Resources (7) 75
Manufacturing (8) 75
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama (8) 74
Law: Taxation & Customs (8) 72
Military / Defense 72
Printing & Publishing 71
Medical: Instruments (7) 71
Botany (4) 70
IT (Information Technology) (20) 70
Automation & Robotics (3) 67
Real Estate (8) 67
Investment / Securities (4) 66
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright (17) 63
Telecom(munications) (8) 61
Media / Multimedia (8) 56
Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts) (4) 55
Government / Politics (20) 55
Petroleum Eng/Sci 51
Management 50
Medical: Dentistry (4) 49
Computers (general) (16) 48
Paper / Paper Manufacturing 47
Idioms / Maxims / Sayings (28) 47
Psychology (4) 46
Livestock / Animal Husbandry 43
Medical: Pharmaceuticals (16) 38
Medical: Health Care (4) 37
Geology (4) 36
Aerospace / Aviation / Space (4) 36
Internet, e-Commerce (4) 36
Forestry / Wood / Timber 31
Geography (8) 31
Fisheries 27
Religion 25
Zoology (8) 24
Music (5) 23
Anthropology 20
Mining & Minerals / Gems 20
Physics 19
Science (general) 17
Slang (4) 16
Gaming/Video-games/E-sports (10) 16
Medical: Cardiology 15
International Org/Dev/Coop 15
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-) (4) 12
Meteorology 12
Computers: Systems, Networks 11
Retail (8) 11
Genetics 8
Folklore 8
Mathematics & Statistics 8
Computers: Hardware 8
Journalism (6) 8
Nuclear Eng/Sci 4
Patents 4
Names (personal, company) 4
Nutrition (4) 4
Metrology 4