Powwow Report for チリ - Santiago (Apr 24 2004)

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Report from  Claudia Iglesias
The fourth Santiago Powwow was an absolute success, with a total of nearly 40 Prozians turning up before the day was out, at all levels of expertise, experience, and proficiency (not to mention great culinary skills!).

A big �thank you� goes to Claudia Iglesias for having organized such a great event. Thanks to her extraordinary efforts, we were privileged to have 2 of the 3 Proz moderators for the English-Spanish pair, as well as a representative from the Santiago Association of Translators, representatives from agencies, and literally dozens of translators and interpreters, right from recently graduated students up to seasoned professionals with many years of experience under their belts. We had Prozian newbies, who had only just signed up the very same day of the Powwow, and Prozian �old timers�, who have been with Proz practically since it was born.

We had Prozians from as far as the United States, Argentina and the Netherlands, who had flown in especially for the Powwow, and also folks from as near by as Claudia�s next-door neighbors, who turned out to be a husband-and-wife team of experienced translators, but had never heard of Proz (imagine that!), or of Claudia, until a mutual friend introduced them.

In all, this Powwow brought together a broad range of folks, from across the board, who all have one thing in common: a love of language and of translation.

Considering the number of people present, and especially the number of new faces, it took quite a while to get through the individual introductions and presentations, but that part of the Powwow turned out to be fascinating. Listening to the personal stories of everyone is a great way to get to know people, and also to be reminded, once again, that all translators everywhere share the same basic situations, problems, fears, and joys, no matter how long we have been in the business.

By the time we were through with the introductions, it was near 4:00 pm, and we were all ravenous! But once again, Claudia was well prepared, having convinced each of us to bring along our favorite beverage and favorite dish. We were treated to a sumptuous banquet of abundant and varied cuisine (the cheese-and-mushroom empanadas were spectacular! But so was the chicken, the beef, the quiche, the sushi, the � not to mention the raspberry cream cake, the cookies, the custard pie �) There was certainly no shortage of great food and refreshments.

After lunch, Claudia, David, and Jos� Luis took the time to explain the inner workings of the Proz.com web site for the benefit of new members (and old members too). Between them they did a phenomenal job of covering pretty much everything, in as much detail as anyone could ask for. Someone should have video-taped their combined effort, for future use as �Proz.com 101�. In particular, David gave a very clear and complete presentation on the basic outline of the web site, Jos� Luis waxed eloquent on the more obscure but vital points of Kudoz and Browniz, and Claudia tied it all together with valuable anecdotes of her own early experience with Proz.

One thing lead to another, time marched on, small groups of people got together, chatting, networking, exchanging horror-stories and business cards, and before we knew it darkness had fallen and lunch had somehow turned into dinner, without anyone really noticing.

All in all, a most enjoyable and thoroughly worthwhile event. Well organized, well attended, and well executed.


Joanna Leigh & Stuart Allsop (the neighbors)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Judy Rojas
Haydee (X)
José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)
Paola Nobizelli
Pamela Cruz
Aurora Humarán (X)
Claudia Iglesias
JH Trads
Carla Mendoza
Karin Kutscher
Esteban Valenzuela
María Cristina Valderrama
Ana Jimenez H.

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Sep 24 '04  Claudia Iglesias: Nuevo powwow
Apr 26 '04  Carla Mendoza: Lo pasé muy bien
Bueno prozianos que reiterear lo que han dicho los demás... lo pasé muy bien, todo estaba delicioso y las conversaciones fueron muy amenas.
Las fotos están espectaculares.

Apr 26 '04  Claudia Iglesias: No se preocupen María Eugenia y Mili
Parece que el próximo está anunciado para dentro de dos meses. Por ahora se pueden consolar mirando las fotos:
Apr 26 '04  María Eugenia Wachtendorff: ¡ME LO PERDÍ!
Queridos amigos:
Todavía no me convenzo de que tuve que renunciar a disfrutar de su compañía el sábado recién pasado.
Hice todo lo posible. Traté de adelantar trabajo para pasar por lo menos un par de horas con mis colegas prozianos, pero hubo problemas de último momento y vi que las horas de alegría se podrían convertir en problemas serios con mi mejor cliente.
Sé que ustedes podrán entenderme, porque nuestro trabajo es así. Después de 15 años como freelancer, sigo perdiéndome eventos importantes.
Espero recibir todos los detalles y las fotos.
Un gran abrazo para cada uno, y espero poder verlos en una próxima oportunidad.
¡No es necesario que transcurra un año para hacer otro powpow!
María Eugenia
Apr 26 '04  Pamela Cruz: Gracias
¡Hola a todos!
Agradezco la hospitalidad de Claudia, a todos los asistentes por compartir sus experiencias y espero que nos veamos pronto :-) @};-
Apr 26 '04  Haydee (X): Gracias, Claudia.
Hola a todos!
Gracias Claudia por esta reunión. Ha sido un gran encuentro.
Apr 26 '04  José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X): GRACIAS GRACIAS
Hola a todos:

Vaya un GRAN agradecimiento a Claudia (y su tropa) por habernos abierto su casa.

Te pasaste :-)

Saludos recién llegado a Buenos Aires.