How to edit ttx. files without Trados
Thread poster: nruddy
nruddy  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:50
German to English
Aug 31, 2006

My problem is as follows:

My customer wants me to translate PowerPoint files and send back a ttx. file. I use Wordfast so I can't do this (technically). I downloaded the PlusToyz tool and tested it. The ttx. file gets converted into a segmented Word file and can be converted back into ttx after editing. So far so good. But how do I edit the Word file? I can translate in it, of course, but it is much more time-consuming and frustrating than working directly in PowerPoint or Word due
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My problem is as follows:

My customer wants me to translate PowerPoint files and send back a ttx. file. I use Wordfast so I can't do this (technically). I downloaded the PlusToyz tool and tested it. The ttx. file gets converted into a segmented Word file and can be converted back into ttx after editing. So far so good. But how do I edit the Word file? I can translate in it, of course, but it is much more time-consuming and frustrating than working directly in PowerPoint or Word due to all the hyperlink information, etc. Also, the text units do not necessarily appear in the same order as in the original file. Does anyone have a solution for this?
Thanks for any ideas!

Local time: 11:50
English to German
+ ...
Arachnophilia Aug 31, 2006

Maybe you could try Arachnophilia. The tags are coloured, so you can see better what are tags and what are not than in a simple text editor. You can download a trial version

Sonja Tomaskovic (X)
Sonja Tomaskovic (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:50
English to German
+ ...
PlusToyz?? Aug 31, 2006

When you say PlusToyz, do you mean this software:

I remember that there was a PlusToyz tool that I downloaded from the WF Yahoo group page, but that was some time ago. I am not sure what it exactly did, and whether it is the same tool as the one mentioned above.

However, to get back to your initial problem, I am not sure I understand you correctly. When you say that is much more time-consuming and frustrating than working directly in PowerPoint or Word due to all the hyperlink information, etc.

do you actually mean that the converted TTX file is somewhat messy? In this case, you will probably have to try it with TagEditor, or just try to cope with the hyperlinks and all the other information that distracts you from the actual text.

Since TagEditor files are XML, you may try an XML editor as a last resort, but I can't promise it will solve your problem.

Good luck.


There is a CAT tool called XLIFF Editor ( ) that handles TagEditor files. Heartsome offers trial versions of all their tools. HTH.

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Tommaso Benzi
Tommaso Benzi  Identity Verified
Dominican Republic
Local time: 05:50
English to Italian
+ ...
Linux Aug 11, 2009

In Linux, you can easily edit TTX files with Text Editor (tags are coloured).

Christo Petkov
Christo Petkov
Local time: 12:50
English to Bulgarian
+ ...
RE: Have you tried this Feb 1, 2010

Tommaso Benzi wrote:

In Linux, you can easily edit TTX files with Text Editor (tags are coloured).

.TTX files are not .TXT

How can you create a bilingual database with a Text Editor - just asking?

Christo Petkov

Vladislav Badalov
Vladislav Badalov  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 12:50
Russian to English
+ ...
TTXpress Feb 1, 2010

Kristyna Marrero
Kristyna Marrero  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:50
Member (2007)
Wordfast Pro can handle TTX Mar 24, 2010

nruddy wrote:

My problem is as follows:

My customer wants me to translate PowerPoint files and send back a ttx. file. I use Wordfast so I can't do this (technically). I downloaded the PlusToyz tool and tested it. The ttx. file gets converted into a segmented Word file and can be converted back into ttx after editing. So far so good. But how do I edit the Word file? I can translate in it, of course, but it is much more time-consuming and frustrating than working directly in PowerPoint or Word due to all the hyperlink information, etc. Also, the text units do not necessarily appear in the same order as in the original file. Does anyone have a solution for this?
Thanks for any ideas!

Hi Niamh,

The good news is you can now use Wordfast Pro to handle your TTX files directly. Wordfast Pro 2.3 (which you can download here - includes support for TTX files as well as several other features. As a Wordfast Classic license holder, you are currently entitled to install and license Wordfast Pro for free.

Additionally, you'll be pleased to know that support for TTX files in Wordfast Classic is coming soon.

Hope this helps,


[Edited at 2010-03-24 18:20 GMT]

Local time: 11:50
Croatian to German
+ ...
In memoriam
Well, it can't Apr 10, 2010

Kristyna Marrero wrote:

nruddy wrote:

My problem is as follows:

My customer wants me to translate PowerPoint files and send back a ttx. file. I use Wordfast so I can't do this (technically). I downloaded the PlusToyz tool and tested it. The ttx. file gets converted into a segmented Word file and can be converted back into ttx after editing. So far so good. But how do I edit the Word file? I can translate in it, of course, but it is much more time-consuming and frustrating than working directly in PowerPoint or Word due to all the hyperlink information, etc. Also, the text units do not necessarily appear in the same order as in the original file. Does anyone have a solution for this?
Thanks for any ideas!

Hi Niamh,

The good news is you can now use Wordfast Pro to handle your TTX files directly. Wordfast Pro 2.3 (which you can download here - includes support for TTX files as well as several other features. As a Wordfast Classic license holder, you are currently entitled to install and license Wordfast Pro for free.

Additionally, you'll be pleased to know that support for TTX files in Wordfast Classic is coming soon.

Hope this helps,


[Edited at 2010-03-24 18:20 GMT]

I'm sorry to say, but Wordfast Pro CAN'T handle the TTX files. I tried the "new" feature without any success even after segmetning the TTX files in Trados. It seems like the Wordfast TTX filter doesn't work.


Yasmin Moslem
Yasmin Moslem  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:50
English to Arabic
The file, please! Apr 10, 2010

Davor Kalinic wrote:

I'm sorry to say, but Wordfast Pro CAN'T handle the TTX files. I tried the "new" feature without any success even after segmenting the TTX files in Trados. It seems like the Wordfast TTX filter doesn't work.

Dear Davor,

Did you receive any error message?

To segment the TTX file in Trados, you need to open Trados Workbench > Tools >
Translate > Add (to select the TTX file) > (check) Segment unknown sentences > Translate.

Then, please try again in Wordfast Pro and let me know. If WFP cannot open the TTX file, please send it to me to the following email address:

support ##

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
Yasmin Moslem

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How to edit ttx. files without Trados

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