cannot open project from client
Thread poster: Manna75
German to Finnish
Jul 14, 2017

Hi there,

I am having problems opening a project from a client (using Groupshare Translation Memory). Anyone have an idea what this could be about? I have never had such problems before (using Studio 2015)

Thank you in advance if you can help!

Here's the error message:
Error processing command line arguments: Polun C:\Users\(my name)\Documents\Omat kuvatiedostot käyttäminen on estetty.

USAGE: SDLTradosStudio.exe [/help|/?] /arg1 val1 /a
... See more
Hi there,

I am having problems opening a project from a client (using Groupshare Translation Memory). Anyone have an idea what this could be about? I have never had such problems before (using Studio 2015)

Thank you in advance if you can help!

Here's the error message:
Error processing command line arguments: Polun C:\Users\(my name)\Documents\Omat kuvatiedostot käyttäminen on estetty.

USAGE: SDLTradosStudio.exe [/help|/?] /arg1 val1 /arg2 val2

Task: NoAutoUpdate
Description: Starts the application without automatically checking for updates.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /noautoupdate
/noautoupdate Starts the application without automatically checking for updates.

Task: Open Retrofit
Description: Opens a retrofit file in the Alignment View.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /openRetrofit
/openRetrofit The full file path to the retrofit file you want to open.

Task: Open Alignment
Description: Opens an alignment in the Alignment View.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /openAlignment
/openAlignment The full file path to the alignment you want to open.

Task: Create Project
Description: Starts the Create Project wizard.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /createProject [/files [ ...]] [/name ] [/template ] [/referenceProject ]
/createProject Starts the Create Project wizard.
/files The full file path of one or more documents or folders to add to the Create Project wizard.
/name The name of the Project
/template An existing template name or file path to use.
/referenceProject An existing reference project file path to use.

Task: Open Document
Description: Opens a document or a number of documents in the Editor View.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /openDocument [ ...]
/openDocument The full file path of one or more documents to open.

Task: Open File Based TM

German to Finnish
urgent help needed! Jul 20, 2017

Please, can anyone help with the problem described above? I have found some similar problem descriptions in internet, but none of the things adviced there helped. My client sends me a project where I can't open singular files before importing them to Studio. The client can open the project without problems so the problem has to be at my end. I have updated everything, re-downloaded studio...

The project is due soon and I can't even get started...
See more
Please, can anyone help with the problem described above? I have found some similar problem descriptions in internet, but none of the things adviced there helped. My client sends me a project where I can't open singular files before importing them to Studio. The client can open the project without problems so the problem has to be at my end. I have updated everything, re-downloaded studio...

The project is due soon and I can't even get started

The client would prefer sending the project instead of single files.

Please help!

Miguel Carmona
Miguel Carmona  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:20
English to Spanish
... Jul 20, 2017

SDL hosts a forum for questions like yours.

Good luck!


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cannot open project from client

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