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Mods and Pro/No-Pro distinction
Thread poster: Charlie Bavington
Charlie Bavington
Charlie Bavington  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:21
French to English
For info Oct 15, 2009

Katalin Horvath McClure wrote:

.... the last voter shows up as an editor that made the change.
Maybe it happens only when the 3rd voter is actually a KudoZ-editor, but it is still not right to display it like that.

No, it also happens even when the third voter is a humble peasant.

My vote happened to be the 3rd one, therefor this vote was the one that made the count reach 3 and result in the actual change to PRO, but the way it is displayed, it is misleading. People may think I made the change singlehandedly, and that is not the case.

To be fair, you do actually have to scroll past the list of voters to get to the info that is displayed as you describe. I don't know quite how much hand-holding and repeated information sites should provide..... That said, I suppose if it said "(as 3rd voter)" or something it wouldn't take up much space.

Gina W
Gina W
United States
Local time: 14:21
Member (2003)
French to English
Of course, there should be no conflict Oct 15, 2009

Charlie Bavington wrote:

2. Mods are allowed to moderate on questions that they have answered (or, indeed, mods are allowed to answer questions that they have moderated).

I suggest that the ideal solution would be that mods cannot both moderate and answer; the system should disable one as soon they have done the other. Meanwhile, I think it would be best practice if the mods volunteered to behave in this way anyway.

IMO, the above should go without saying. No one should ever even think otherwise, no matter what the system does.

Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:21
Member (2006)
English to Spanish
this will be implemented as soon as the resources become available Oct 20, 2009

writeaway wrote:

Enrique wrote:

Dear members,

On the other hand, improvement of the reclassifying mechanism for question as PRO or non-PRO has been in the list of pending issues for some time and now the system will be slightly modified:

Moderators and editors will vote like any other member for the change of status of questions (instead of forcing this change of status).


Hi Enrique,
When will the change be implemented? On a recent question, I saw that a mod was still able force the change of status. (No one else 'voted').


This modification has been already requested but it does not have a high priority assigned. It will be implemented as soon as the resources needed become available.


Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:21
Member (2006)
English to Spanish
The PRO / non-PRO classification feature has been modified Oct 28, 2009

Dear members,

The PRO / non-PRO classification feature has been modified as follows:

  • Moderators and editors will vote like any other member for the change of status of questions (instead of forcing this change of status).

  • Once the status of a question has been modified, it will be possible to vote for a reclassification in the opposite direction.

    • Three votes for either PRO or non-PRO are required to reclassify a question for t... See more
  • Dear members,

    The PRO / non-PRO classification feature has been modified as follows:

  • Moderators and editors will vote like any other member for the change of status of questions (instead of forcing this change of status).

  • Once the status of a question has been modified, it will be possible to vote for a reclassification in the opposite direction.

    • Three votes for either PRO or non-PRO are required to reclassify a question for the first time, and after that it will reverse its status as soon as there are more votes for the change than against it.

    • For instance a question asked as non-PRO will require three votes to turn it into PRO (voting 3-0). At this point the button will change to "vote non-PRO" and four votes will turn it into non-PRO (voting 4-3). After that it will take two votes to change the question again in either sense (voting 5-4, 6-5, etc.).

  • Of course users will be able to vote only once in each question.

  • As before, users who have fewer than twenty (20) KudoZ PRO points will not see the voting option.

    Enrique ▲ Collapse

    Charlie Bavington
    Charlie Bavington  Identity Verified
    Local time: 19:21
    French to English
    Much obliged Oct 28, 2009

    Certainly seems like a big step in the right direction on paper - we shall have to see whether it has any unintended consequences
    (Hopefully not.)

    Meanwhile, thanks for looking into it and addressing it.

    C.M. Rawal
    C.M. Rawal  Identity Verified
    Local time: 23:51
    English to Hindi
    + ...
    A positive approach Oct 29, 2009

    I very much appreciate this modification. It would definitely mitigate the problem, if not completely solve it. Let's hope for the best.

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    Mods and Pro/No-Pro distinction

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